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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Alves, C.; Chichery, R.; Boal, J.G.; Dickel, L. Orientation in the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis: response versus place learning 2007 Animal Cognition 2461 10 29-36 details   doi
Anderson, J.R. Self-recognition in dolphins: credible cetaceans; compromised criteria, controls, and conclusions 1995 Consciousness and Cognition 4163 4 239-243 details   doi
Aust, U.; Huber, L. Picture-object recognition in pigeons: evidence of representational insight in a visual categorization task using a complementary information procedure 2006 Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes 2759 32 190-195 details   doi
Barry, K.L.; Goth, A. Call recognition in chicks of the Australian brush-turkey (Alectura lathami) 2006 Animal Cognition 2484 9 47-54 details   doi
Benard, J.; Stach, S.; Giurfa, M. Categorization of visual stimuli in the honeybee Apis mellifera 2006 Animal Cognition 2446 9 257-270 details   doi
Bennett, A.T. Do animals have cognitive maps? 1996 The Journal of Experimental Biology 2756 199 219-224 details   openurl
Beran, M.J.; Beran, M.M.; Harris, E.H.; Washburn, D.A. Ordinal judgments and summation of nonvisible sets of food items by two chimpanzees and a rhesus macaque 2005 Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes 2766 31 351-362 details   doi
Biederman, G.B.; Robertson, H.A.; Vanayan, M. Observational learning of two visual discriminations by pigeons: a within-subjects design 1986 Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior 853 46 45-49 details   doi
Blaisdell, A.P.; Cook, R.G. Integration of spatial maps in pigeons 2005 Animal Cognition 2521 8 7-16 details   doi
Bovet, D.; Vauclair, J.; Blaye, A. Categorization and abstraction abilities in 3-year-old children: a comparison with monkey data 2005 Animal Cognition 2516 8 53-59 details   doi
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