Abstract: Each month for a 1-year period (October through September), equine fecal masses containing eggs of strongylid nematodes were placed outdoors on small grass plots in Saskatchewan, Canada. Thereafter, feces and grass from the plots were sampled after intervals of 1 week or longer, and the strongylid eggs and larvae recovered were counted. These observations were made over a 2-year period. Development of eggs to infective larvae occurred in all experiments, except those established in October, December, and January. Infective larvae from experiments set up in April through September survived that winter. During the summer, there was a gradual build up of infective larvae in the fecal masses, which reached a peak in August and September and then decreased into the winter. These results are discussed in the context of the control of strongylid parasites of horses on the Canadian prairie and in other areas of the world with a similar climate and similar horse management practices.