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Lingle, S.; Rendall, D.; Pellis, S.M. Altruism and recognition in the antipredator defence of deer: 1. Species and individual variation in fawn distress calls 2007 Animal Behaviour. 4210 73 897-905 details   doi
Lingle, S.; Rendall, D.; Wilson, W.F.; DeYoung, R.W.; Pellis, S.M. Altruism and recognition in the antipredator defence of deer: 2. Why mule deer help nonoffspring fawns 2007 Animal Behaviour. 4211 73 907-916 details   doi
Taillon, J.; Cote, S.D. Social rank and winter forage quality affect aggressiveness in white-tailed deer fawns 2007 Animal Behaviour. 4203 74 265-275 details   doi
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