Knill, L. M., Eagleton, R. D., & Harver, E. (1977). Physical optics of the equine eye. Am J Vet Res, 38(6), 735–737.
Abstract: The equine eye was treated as a general lens system and calculations were done to determine image position in relation to the retina for objects at a distance of infinity, 100 m, and 1 m. The retina is 19.1 mm behind the posterior surface of the lens; therefore, the image appears 14.6 mm posterior to the retina at infinity and at 100 m, and 16.3 mm at 1-m distance on a horizontal axis. The animals studied were hyperopic. It is evident that the horse must move its head or eye, or both, for optimal visual acuity. At the same time, some objects in the total field of vision are imperceptible or indistinct.
Wolfe, J. M. (1983). Hidden visual processes. Sci Am, 248(2), 94–103.
Abstract: Isoluminant stimulus is an image whose edges are defined only by a change in color, not by change in brightness. The stimulus here is imperfect: the blue parts and the green parts of the image are only as nearly equal in brightness as they can be on the printed page. Moreover, the change in brightness beyond the edge of the page is apparent, and so is the fact that the reader is holding the magazine at reading distance. When such cues are removed under laboratory conditions, subjects faced with an isoluminant stimulus prove unable to bring its edges into focus. This deficiency contributes to making a familiar face hard to recognize. The experiment indicates that the brain process underlying visual accommodation (the focusing of the eyes) cannot “see” color; it is a hidden process distinct from the processes that lead to perception. The image shows Groucho Marx as he appeared in the motion picture Horse Feathers.