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Curtis, S.E.; Stricklin, W.R. The importance of animal cognition in agricultural animal production systems: an overview 1991 Journal of Animal Science 2754 69 5001-5007 details   openurl
Doligez, B.; Danchin, E.; Clobert, J. Public information and breeding habitat selection in a wild bird population 2002 Science (New York, N.Y.) 2841 297 1168-1170 details   doi
Dzieweczynski, T.L.; Eklund, A.C.; Rowland, W.J. Male 11-ketotestosterone levels change as a result of being watched in Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens 2006 General and comparative endocrinology 502 147 184-189 details   doi
Parejo, D.; Aviles, J.M. Do avian brood parasites eavesdrop on heterospecific sexual signals revealing host quality? A review of the evidence 2007 Animal Cognition 2426 10 81-88 details   doi
Reboreda, J.C.; Clayton, N.S.; Kacelnik, A. Species and sex differences in hippocampus size in parasitic and non-parasitic cowbirds 1996 Neuroreport 4798 7 505-508 details   url
Russon, A.E.; Handayani, D.P.; Kuncoro, P.; Ferisa, A. Orangutan leaf-carrying for nest-building: toward unraveling cultural processes 2007 Animal Cognition 2431 10 189-202 details   doi
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