Bykov, S., Lednev, I., Ianoul, A., Mikhonin, A., Munro, C., & Asher, S. A. (2005). Steady-state and transient ultraviolet resonance Raman spectrometer for the 193-270 nm spectral region. Appl Spectrosc, 59(12), 1541–1552.
Abstract: We describe a state-of-the-art tunable ultraviolet (UV) Raman spectrometer for the 193-270 nm spectral region. This instrument allows for steady-state and transient UV Raman measurements. We utilize a 5 kHz Ti-sapphire continuously tunable laser (approximately 20 ns pulse width) between 193 nm and 240 nm for steady-state measurements. For transient Raman measurements we utilize one Coherent Infinity YAG laser to generate nanosecond infrared (IR) pump laser pulses to generate a temperature jump (T-jump) and a second Coherent Infinity YAG laser that is frequency tripled and Raman shifted into the deep UV (204 nm) for transient UV Raman excitation. Numerous other UV excitation frequencies can be utilized for selective excitation of chromophoric groups for transient Raman measurements. We constructed a subtractive dispersion double monochromator to minimize stray light. We utilize a new charge-coupled device (CCD) camera that responds efficiently to UV light, as opposed to the previous CCD and photodiode detectors, which required intensifiers for detecting UV light. For the T-jump measurements we use a second camera to simultaneously acquire the Raman spectra of the water stretching bands (2500-4000 cm(-1)) whose band-shape and frequency report the sample temperature.
Williams, D. O., Boatwright, R. B., Rugh, K. S., Garner, H. E., & Griggs, D. M. J. (1991). Myocardial blood flow, metabolism, and function with repeated brief coronary occlusions in conscious ponies. Am J Physiol, 260(1 Pt 2), H100–9.
Abstract: Studies were performed in the conscious pony instrumented with a Doppler flow probe and hydraulic occluder on the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD), sonomicrometry crystals and intraventricular micromanometer in the left ventricle, and catheters in the left atrium and anterior interventricular vein. Two-minute LAD occlusions were performed every 30 min continuously or during working hours. Data on release of catabolites (potassium, hydrogen ions, and lactate) and norepinephrine from the initially dysfunctional region were obtained periodically during a regimen of 445 +/- 56 occlusions in six animals. Regional myocardial blood flow was measured (microsphere method) before and after an occlusion regimen in four animals. Marked release of catabolites and norepinephrine from the initially dysfunctional region was noted in association with early occlusions when myocardial segment function was severely reduced. With further occlusions, release of these substances decreased while segment function improved. Blood flow was markedly decreased in the initially dysfunctional region during an early occlusion but was at the control level during a later occlusion. Although the metabolic findings are consistent with protection due to “ischemic preconditioning” and no increase in collateral perfusion, the inverse relationship noted between catabolite release and segment function is best explained by flow-dependent mechanisms. These results, together with the myocardial blood flow data, serve to validate a previous assumption that protection against regional myocardial dysfunction under these conditions is due to increased collateral perfusion.