Heitkamp, H. C., Horstmann, T., & Hillgeris, D. (1998). [Riding injuries and injuries due to handling horses in experienced riders]. Unfallchirurg, 101(2), 122–128.
Abstract: A group of experienced riders who qualified for the German riding badge 9.5 years ago answered a questionnaire pertaining to injuries during jumping, dressage and cross-country riding, as well as handling the horse. During riding 69% of the persons had had 187 injuries and while handling the horse 52% had had 124 injuries. Fractures and contusions were the most-frequent injuries; most riding injuries were located in the upper extremities and shoulder while handling mainly in the hands and feet. The number of injuries was comparable in jumping, dressage or cross-country riding. The time engaged in jumping was about one-third of the other types of riding, but the injuries were more severe. While handling the horse the number of injuries relative to the time spent during the activity were higher but less complicated. No change in safety precautions had been implemented by 67% of the persons injured. The injury rate for equestrians is relatively low both in handling the horse and during riding. The frequent fractures and contusions may be reduced by following the required safety regulations.