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Cowell, P.E.; Fitch, R.H.; Denenberg, V.H. Laterality in animals: relevance to schizophrenia 1999 Schizophrenia Bulletin 2827 25 41-62 details   openurl
Davies, H.M.S. The timing and distribution of strains around the surface of the midshaft of the third metacarpal bone during treadmill exercise in one Thoroughbred racehorse 2005 Australian Veterinary Journal 1891 83 157-162 details   openurl
Petter-Puchner, A.H.; Froetscher, W.; Krametter-Froetscher, R.; Lorinson, D.; Redl, H.; van Griensven, M. The long-term neurocompatibility of human fibrin sealant and equine collagen as biomatrices in experimental spinal cord injury 2007 Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology : Official Journal of the Gesellschaft fur Toxikologische Pathologie 1852 58 237-245 details   doi
Rizzolatti, G.; Fogassi, L.; Gallese, V. Mirrors of the mind 2006 Scientific American 2829 295 54-61 details   openurl
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