Adolphs, R. (2003). Cognitive neuroscience of human social behaviour. Nat Rev Neurosci, 4(3), 165–178.
Abstract: We are an intensely social species--it has been argued that our social nature defines what makes us human, what makes us conscious or what gave us our large brains. As a new field, the social brain sciences are probing the neural underpinnings of social behaviour and have produced a banquet of data that are both tantalizing and deeply puzzling. We are finding new links between emotion and reason, between action and perception, and between representations of other people and ourselves. No less important are the links that are also being established across disciplines to understand social behaviour, as neuroscientists, social psychologists, anthropologists, ethologists and philosophers forge new collaborations.
Argue, C. K., & Clayton, H. M. (1993). A preliminary study of transitions between the walk and trot in dressage horses. Acta Anat (Basel), 146(2-3), 179–182.
Abstract: The object of this study was to determine the limb support sequence during the transitions from walk to trot and from trot to walk in dressage horses under saddle and to test the null hypothesis that the limb support sequence during the transitions is not related to the level of training. Sixteen dressage horses training at novice to FEI Grand Prix level were videotaped performing an average of 9 transitions each from walk to trot and from trot to walk. The 30-Hz videotapes were viewed in slow motion, and based on the limb support sequence the transitions were categorized into two types. In type 1 transitions there were no intermediate steps between the walk and trot sequences. Type 2 transitions were characterized by intermediate steps, including a single support phase. The Kendall rank-order correlation coefficient showed that a higher level of training was positively associated with an increased percentage of type 1 transitions for both walk-to-trot transitions (p < or = 0.05) and trot-to-walk transitions (p < or = 0.01). No significant preference for initiating or completing the trot on the left or right diagonal was found using the binomial test for individual horses and the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test for the group.
Barrey, E., & Galloux, P. (1997). Analysis of the equine jumping technique by accelerometry. Equine Vet J Suppl, (23), 45–49.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the relationships between jumping technique and dorsoventral acceleration measured at the sternum. Eight saddle horses of various jumping abilities competed on a selective experimental show jumping course including 14 obstacles. An accelerometric belt fastened onto the thorax continuously measured the dorsoventral acceleration during the course. At each jump, 11 locomotor parameters (acceleration peaks, durations and stride frequency) were obtained from the dorsoventral acceleration-time curves. The type of obstacle significantly influenced the hindlimb acceleration peak at take-off and the landing acceleration peak (P<0.01). The poor jumpers exhibited a higher mean forelimb acceleration peak at take-off, a higher forelimb/hindlimb ratio between peaks of acceleration (F/H), and a lower approach stride frequency than good jumpers. Knocking over an obstacle was significantly associated with a low hindlimb acceleration peak at take-off and a high F/H ratio (P<0.01). In order to observe the continuous changes in the frequency domain of the dorsoventral acceleration during the approach and take-off phase, a Morlet's wavelet analysis was computed for each horse jumping over a series of 3 vertical obstacles. Different patterns of time-frequency images obtained by wavelet analysis were found when the horse either knocked over a vertical obstacle or cleared it. In the latter case, the image pattern showed an instantaneous increase in stride frequency at the end of the approach phase, and a marked energy content in the middle frequency range at take-off.
Bartos, A., Bányai, A., Koltay, I., & Mándó, Z. (2015). Effect of mud treatment from Heviz Spa Lake on the joints and locomotion activities of horses. In Krueger. K. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting. Wald: Xenophon Publishing.
Abstract: Medical research on the effects of thermal mud in the human medical field already retrospect for many years (Gyarmati és Kulisch 2008). As a result, the thermal sludge product is successfully applied more widely, especially in the rehabilitation of rheumatic diseases (Gyarmati és mtsai., 2012). Research results related to the management of horses for the time being, however, are not available.
The aim of our study was to investigate how a mud treatment from Heviz Spa Lake affects the movement quality and flexibility of certain joints in horses. An experiment was carried out with 10 male and female school and sport horses. All of the horses had been ridden longer period than 3 years and had correct and healthy movement. Horses were treated with mud ten times, respectively, daily in the evenings. Wet sludge was blamed on the knee, hock, elbow, shoulder, back, stifle, front and hind cannons and fetlock joints. The sludge used for treatments was washed off in the morning. At the beginning of the experiment, after the treatment and 8 weeks following the average stride length and the longest distance between the print of hind and front foot during walking and trotting, maximal flexibility of knee, hock and fetlock joints were measured. To calculate the number of steps horses were lead straight during walking and trotting on 30 m flat distance. Following this the stride length was determined. To determine the longest distance between the print of hind and front foot on flat, sandy soil, the distance between hind and front prints was measured three times. The maximal flexibility of each joint was measured with a joint protractor. Statistical analysis was carried out with one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with SPSS 7.0 program.
According to the results (table 1.), the horses responded positively to the treatments. The most positive results were detected by the average stride lenght during walking, maximal flexibility of the front fetlock, knee and hock. This is partly explicable with the beneficial effects of sulphur on the joints, which is well-known in human field (Kovács és mtsai., 2012). The stride length and longest distance between the print of hind and front foot were lower but positively influenced by the mud treatment. Eight weeks after the treatments, most of the parameters similar to human therapeutic results (Kulisch és mtsai., 2012), compared to directly after the mud baths completion values ​​were further improved, a slight negative effect was observed only for a few test values, but the results obtained here were more favourable, as at the beginning of the experiment. The results seem to confirm that the treatment effects can be considered long term. This is also explained by the slurry preparation from which absorbed elemental sulphur and sulphur oxidizing hydrogen sulfide absorbed in the body may be another source of hydrogen sulphide formation at the skin (Gyarmati,1982).
Our results show, that the mud treatment from Heviz Spa Lake may have benifical effects on the joints, playing an important role in the locomotion of horses.
The results are remarkable as well, also because of the evidence of the chemical impact of mud also can help. Such modes of action are still under research and only partly demonstrated in human medicine (Odabasi és mtsai., 2008). Further veterinarian research has to be carried out to confirm the results. The results of the present experiment and the prospect of further research could be pioneer, as the Heviz mud, as well as the thermal effect of water even before in the equine medicine has not been demonstrated experimentally, only individual observations are aviable. So the veterinary use of Heviz mud, which has been proven many times in human medicine, seems to be a new research field.
Key words: mud treatment, Heviz Spa Lake, maximal flexibility of joints, locomotion activities
Gyarmati, J. (1982): Experiences of Heviz mud treatments. FITEC Congress, Budapest
Gyarmati N, Ms. – Kulisch Á., Ms. (2008): History and description of héviz spa with special emphasis on weight-bath. La Presse thermale et climatique 2008;145:233-242.
Gyarmati N., Ms. – Mándó Zs., Ms. – Bergmann A., Ms. – Mózes M., Ms. (2012.): The role of mud treatment int he rehabilitation of reumatic illnesses. XXXI: Conference of The Hungarian Society for Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine 6-8. september. Szombathely, Hungary
Kovács C, – Pecze M, – Tihanyi Á, – Kovács L, – Balogh S, – Bender T. (2012): The effect of sulphurous water in patients with osteoarthritis of hand. Double-blind, randomized, controlled follow-up study. Clinical Rheumatology Oct;31(10):1437-42.
Kulisch Á. and her medical team (2012): Survey of Heviz thermal-mineralwater on patienten suffering from primer knee-arthrosis. As medicinal declaration of human research.
Essay, Saint Andrew Hospital for Reumatic Diseases, Heviz, Hungary
Odabasi, Ersin; Turan, Mustafa; Erdem, Hakan; Tekbas, Faruk (2008): Does Mud Pack Treatment Have Any Chemical Effect? A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine; Jun, Vol. 14 Issue 5, p559
Baudry, L., Leroy, D., & Chollet, D. (2006). The effect of combined self- and expert-modelling on the performance of the double leg circle on the pommel horse (Vol. 24).
Abstract: In this study, we investigated whether video modelling can enhance gymnasts' performance of the circle on a pommel horse. The procedure associated expert-modelling with self-modelling and quantitative performance analysis. Sixteen gymnasts were randomly assigned to one of two groups: (1) a modelling group, which received expert- and self-modelling, and performance feedback, or (2) a control group, which received no feedback. After five sessions of training, an analysis of variance with repeated measures indicated that the gains in the back, entry, front, and exit phases of the circle were greater for the modelling group than for the control group. During the training sessions, the gymnasts in the modelling group improved their body segmental alignment during the back phase more quickly than during the other phases. As predicted, although both groups performed the same number of circles (300 in 5 days, with 10 sequences of 6 circles), the modelling group improved their body segmental alignment more than the control group. It thus appears that immediate video modelling can help to correct complex sports movements such as the circle performed on the pommel horse. However, its effectiveness seemed to be dependent on the complexity of the phase.
Bobbert, M. F., & Santamaria, S. (2005). Contribution of the forelimbs and hindlimbs of the horse to mechanical energy changes in jumping. J Exp Biol, 208(2), 249–260.
Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to gain more insight into the contribution of the forelimbs and hindlimbs of the horse to energy changes during the push-off for a jump. For this purpose, we collected kinematic data at 240 Hz from 23 5-year-old Warmbloods (average mass: 595 kg) performing free jumps over a 1.15 m high fence. From these data, we calculated the changes in mechanical energy and the changes in limb length and joint angles. The force carried by the forelimbs and the amount of energy stored was estimated from the distance between elbow and hoof, assuming that this part of the leg behaved as a linear spring. During the forelimb push, the total energy first decreased by 3.2 J kg(-1) and then increased again by 4.2 J kg(-1) to the end of the forelimb push. At the end of the forelimb push, the kinetic energy due to horizontal velocity of the centre of mass was 1.6 J kg(-1) less than at the start, while the effective energy (energy contributing to jump height) was 2.3 J kg(-1) greater. It was investigated to what extent these changes could involve passive spring-like behaviour of the forelimbs. The amount of energy stored and re-utilized in the distal tendons during the forelimb push was estimated to be on average 0.4 J kg(-1) in the trailing forelimb and 0.23 J kg(-1) in the leading forelimb. This means that a considerable amount of energy was first dissipated and subsequently regenerated by muscles, with triceps brachii probably being the most important contributor. During the hindlimb push, the muscles of the leg were primarily producing energy. The total increase in energy was 2.5 J kg(-1) and the peak power output amounted to 71 W kg(-1).
Bode, N. W. F., Wood, A. J., & Franks, D. W. (2011). The impact of social networks on animal collective motion. Anim. Behav., 82(1), 29–38.
Abstract: Many group-living animals show social preferences for relatives, familiar conspecifics or individuals of similar attributes such as size, personality or sex. How such preferences could affect the collective motion of animal groups has been rather unexplored. We present a general model of collective animal motion that includes social connections as preferential reactions between individuals. Our conceptual examples illustrate the possible impact of underlying social networks on the collective motion of animals. Our approach shows that the structure of these networks could influence: (1) the cohesion of groups; (2) the spatial position of individuals within groups; and (3) the hierarchical dynamics within such groups. We argue that the position of individuals within a social network and the social network structure of populations could have important fitness implications for individual animals. Counterintuitive results from our conceptual examples show that social structures can result in unexpected group dynamics. This sharpens our understanding of the way in which collective movement can be interpreted as a result of social interactions.
Broom, D. M. (2010). Cognitive ability and awareness in domestic animals and decisions about obligations to animals. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 126(1-2), 1–11.
Abstract: Observation of behaviour, especially social behaviour, and experimental studies of learning and brain function give us information about the complexity of concepts that animals have. In order to learn to obtain a resource or carry out an action, domestic animals may: relate stimuli such as human words to the reward, perform sequences of actions including navigation or detours, discriminate amongst other individuals, copy the actions of other individuals, distinguish between individuals who do or do not have information, or communicate so as to cause humans or other animals to carry out actions. Some parrots, that are accustomed to humans but not domesticated, can use words to have specific meanings. In some cases, stimuli, individuals or actions are remembered for days, weeks or years. Events likely to occur in the future may be predicted and changes over time taken into account. Scientific evidence for the needs of animals depends, in part, on studies assessing motivational strength whose methodology depends on the cognitive ability of the animals. Recognition and learning may be associated with changes in physiology, behaviour and positive or negative feelings. Learning and other complex behaviour can result in affect and affect can alter cognition. The demonstration of cognitive bias gives indications about affect and welfare but should be interpreted in the light of other information. All of the information mentioned so far helps to provide evidence about sentience and the level of awareness. The term sentience implies a range of abilities, not just the capacity to have some feelings. The reluctance of scientists to attribute complex abilities and feelings to non-humans has slowed the development of this area of science. Most people consider that they have obligations to some animals. However, they might protect animals because they consider that an animal has an intrinsic value, or because of their concern for its welfare. In social species, there has been selection promoting moral systems that might result in behaviours such as attempts to avoid harm to others, collaboration and other altruistic behaviour. An evaluation of such behaviour may provide one of the criteria for decisions about whether or not to protect animals of a particular species. Other criteria may be: whether or not the animal is known as an individual, similarity to humans, level of awareness, extent of feelings, being large, being rare, being useful or having aesthetic quality for humans. Cognitive ability should also be considered when designing methods of enriching the environments of captive animals.
Buchner, H. H. F., Obermuller, S., & Scheidl, M. (2000). Body Centre of Mass Movement in the Sound Horse. The Veterinary Journal, 160(3), 225–234.
Abstract: The body centre of mass (BCM) is a key factor in the analysis of equine locomotion, as its position and movement determines the distribution and magnitude of loads on the limbs. In this study, the three-dimensional (3D) movement of the BCM in walking and trotting horses was assessed using a kinematic, segmental method. Thirty markers representing 20 body segments were recorded in 12 sound horses while standing, walking and trotting on a treadmill using a high-speed video system. Based on segmental inertial data, 3D positions of the segmental centres of mass as well as the total BCM were calculated. The position within the trunk during square standing and the movements of the BCM were determined for the three planes. The position of the BCM in the standing horse is presented relative to external reference points. At the trot, vertical displacement amplitude of the BCM amounted to 53 (6) mm as mean (sd), which was 27% smaller than external trunk movement. Medio-lateral displacement amplitude of the BCM was 19 (4) mm, 34% less than trunk amplitude. Sagittal forward-backward oscillations of the BCM independent from general forward movement were 13 (3) mm, being 24% less than trunk movements. At the walk, vertical, medio-lateral and sagittal BCM movements were smaller than trunk movements by 43, 65 and 65% respectively. The results show reduced and efficient BCM movements compared to the trunk and form a basis for the assessment of various clinical conditions such as lameness, the influence of a rider and various dressage performances.
Burns, T. E., & Clayton, H. M. (1997). Comparison of the temporal kinematics of the canter pirouette and collected canter. Equine Vet J Suppl, (23), 58–61.
Abstract: The objectives were to compare the temporal characteristics of canter pirouette strides with collected canter strides in elite dressage horses, and to determine whether the stride kinematics of the canter pirouettes fulfilled the requirements specified in the Federation Equestre Internationale Rules for Dressage Events. Eleven horses were videotaped (60 fields/s) during the individual medal competition at the 1992 Olympic Games. Temporal variables were extracted from the videotapes using standard methods. Two strides were analysed on each of the left and right leads and these were pooled to give mean values for the collected canter and the pirouettes. The pirouettes were completed in 4-9 strides, (mean of 6.4). In the collected canter strides, mean duration of the suspension was 0.013 s. There was no suspension in any of the pirouette strides, instead the stance phases of the leading forelimb and trailing hindlimb overlapped by a mean of 0.163 s. In 9 horses the trailing forelimb contacted the ground before the diagonal leading hindlimb in the collected canter, whereas in the pirouettes the leading hindlimb always made contact before the trailing forelimb (mean dissociation 0.164 s), giving the strides a distinct 4 beat rhythm. Due to increases in advanced placement between the diagonal limb pair and between the 2 forelimbs, the stride duration was longer in the pirouette (0.879 s) than the collected canter (0.629 s). It is concluded that the canter pirouette strides did not maintain the rhythm and timing of the the collected canter strides in any of the 11 horses.