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Kaplan, A.I.; Borodovskii, M.I. [Alternative animal behavior: a model and its statistical characteristics] 1989 Nauchnye Doklady Vysshei Shkoly. Biologicheskie Nauki 2799 29-32 details   openurl
Pattison, P.; Wasserman, S. Logit models and logistic regressions for social networks: II. Multivariate relations 1999 The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 5030 52 ( Pt 2) 169-193 details   url
Thompson, J.A.; Brown, S.E. 2nd; Riddle, W.T.; Seahorn, J.C.; Cohen, N.D. Use of a Bayesian risk-mapping technique to estimate spatial risks for mare reproductive loss syndrome in Kentucky 2005 American Journal of Veterinary Research 2630 66 17-20 details   openurl
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