Clark, G. G., & Hibler, C. P. (1973). Horse flies and Elaeophora schneideri in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico. J Wildl Dis, 9(1), 21–25.
Davies, R. B., & Clark, G. G. (1974). Trypanosomes from elk and horse flies in New Mexico. J Wildl Dis, 10(1), 63–65.
Loyola, E. G., Rodriguez, M. H., Gonzalez, L., Arredondo, J. I., Bown, D. N., & Vaca, M. A. (1990). Effect of indoor residual spraying of DDT and bendiocarb on the feeding patterns of Anopheles pseudopunctipennis in Mexico. J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 6(4), 635–640.
Abstract: Intense and persistent use of DDT for malaria control has increased resistance and induced exophilic behavior of Anopheles pseudopunctipennis. An evaluation of bendiocarb and DDT to control this species in Sinaloa, Mexico, showed that, in spite of DDT-resistance, both insecticides produced similar effects. Feeding patterns were analyzed to explain these results. Resting mosquitoes were collected over the dry and wet seasons. Anophelines were tested in an ELISA to determine the source of the meals. The human blood index (HBI) ranged from 3.3 to 6.8% in DDT- and from 12.7 to 26.9% in bendiocarb-sprayed houses. Irritability and repellency in DDT-sprayed houses could explain the reduced HBI. In contrast, bendiocarb produced higher mortality. These effects could have affected different components of the vectorial capacity and similarly reduced malaria.
Pichardo, M. (2000). Valsequillo biostratigraphy. III: Equid ecospecies in Paleoindian sites. Anthropol Anz, 58(3), 275–298.
Abstract: Greater precision in North American Pleistocene equid taxonomy makes it now possible to exploit the ubiquitous horse remains in Paleoindian sites as ecological index-fossils. The horses of Central Mexico and the Southern Plains can be sorted by tooth size alone, except for two rare large horses of the Southern Plains. The species endemic to these grasslands and south to Central Mexico are Equus pacificus (large), E. conversidens (small), E. francisci (smallest). The Southern Plains were also occupied by a specialized grazer E. excelsus (Burnet and Sandia caves) and E. occidentalis (Dry and Sandia caves). West of the Rocky Mountains E. occidentalis was dominant. East of the Mississippi River two woodland species are found: E. fraternus and E. littoralis.
Scherer, W. F., & Dickerman, R. W. (1972). Ecologic studies of Venezuelan encephalitis virus in southeastern Mexico. 8. Correlations and conclusions. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 21(2), 86–89.
Scherer, W. F., Dickerman, R. W., & Ordonez, J. V. (1970). Discovery and geographic distribution of Venezuelan encephalitis virus in Guatemala, Honduras, and British Honduras during 1965-68, and its possible movement to Central America and Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 19(4), 703–711.
Sudia, W. D., Fernandez, L., Newhouse, V. F., Sanz, R., & Calisher, C. H. (1975). Arbovirus vector ecology studies in Mexico during the 1972 Venezuelan equine encephalitis outbreak. Am J Epidemiol, 101(1), 51–58.
Abstract: Virus vector studies were conducted in the States of Durango, Chihuahua, and Tamaulipas, Mexico, in June and July 1972. Apparently only a low level of Venzuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus transmission to equines occured at the time of the study, and the infection was restricted to areas which had not experienced overt activity during the preceding year. The low level of infection was associated with a scarcity of mosquitoes. The IB (epidemic) strain of VEE virus was isolated from two pools of Anopheles pseudopunctipennis (Theo.) and the blood of one symptomatic equine. The low mosquito population, the relatively few equine cases observed, and the absence of reports of VEE human disease from the outbreak area suggested VEE virus persistence through a low-level mosquito-equine transmission cycle. Other studies have already indicated that wild vertebrates play no more than a minor role in outbreaks of epidemic VEE. Mosquito collections made in areas of the states of Durango, Chihuahua, and Tamaulipas, where considerable epidemic activity of VEE had occurred in 1971, failed to reveal evidence of VEE virus persistence. Twenty-nine ioslations of other arboviruses were also made in these studies: including 22 of St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLE), 2 of Flanders virus, 1 of Turlock virus, 1 of Trivittatus virus of the California Group, 1 of western equine encephalitis virus (VEE), and 2 (from Santa Rose) which possibly represent a hitherto unknown virus in the Bunyamwera Group. These are the first reports of SLE virus isolations from mosquitoes in Mexico, and the first demonstration of Trivittatus, VEE Turlock and Flanders viruses in Mexico from any source.
Ulloa, A., Gonzalez-Ceron, L., & Rodriguez, M. H. (2006). Host selection and gonotrophic cycle length of Anopheles punctimacula in southern Mexico. J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 22(4), 648–653.
Abstract: The host preference, survival rates, and length of the gonotrophic cycle of Anopheles punctimacula was investigated in southern Mexico. Mosquitoes were collected in 15-day separate experiments during the rainy and dry seasons. Daily changes in the parous-nulliparous ratio were recorded and the gonotrophic cycle length was estimated by a time series analysis. Anopheles punctimacula was most abundant during the dry season and preferred animals to humans. The daily survival rate in mosquitoes collected in animal traps was 0.96 (parity rate = 0.86; gonotrophic cycle = 4 days). The length of gonotrophic cycle of 4 days was estimated on the base of a high correlation coefficient value appearing every 4 days. The minimum time estimated for developing mature eggs after blood feeding was 72 h. The proportion of mosquitoes living enough to transmit Plasmodium vivax malaria during the dry season was 0.35.