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Branchi, I., Bichler, Z., Berger-Sweeney, J., & Ricceri, L. (2003). Animal models of mental retardation: from gene to cognitive function. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 27(1-2), 141–153.
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Cowley, J. J., & Griesel, R. D. (1966). The effect on growth and behaviour of rehabilitating first and second generation low protein rats. Anim. Behav., 14(4), 506–517.
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McClearn, G. E. (1971). Behavioral genetics. Behav Sci, 16(1), 64–81.
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Morley, K. I., & Montgomery, G. W. (2001). The genetics of cognitive processes: candidate genes in humans and animals. Behav Genet, 31(6), 511–531.
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