Dreschel, N. A., & Granger, D. A. (2009). Methods of collection for salivary cortisol measurement in dogs. Horm. Behav., 55(1), 163–168.
Abstract: Salivary cortisol has been increasingly used as a measure of stress response in studies of welfare, reaction to stress and human–animal interactions in dogs and other species. While it can be a very useful measure, there are a number of saliva collection issues made evident through studies in the human and animal fields which have not been investigated in the canine species. Collection materials and the volume of saliva that is collected; the use of salivary stimulants; and the effect of food contamination can all dramatically impact cortisol measurement, leading to spurious results. In order to further examine the limitations of the collection method and the effects of collection material and salivary stimulant on salivary cortisol levels, a series of clinical, in vitro and in vivo studies were performed. It was found that there is a large amount of inter- and intra-individual variation in salivary cortisol measurement. Beef flavoring of collection materials leads to unpredictable variability in salivary cortisol concentration. Using salivary stimulants such as citric acid also has the potential to affect cortisol concentration measurement in saliva. Hydrocellulose appears to be a useful collection material for salivary cortisol determination. Recommendations for collection materials and use of salivary stimulants are presented.
Kraft, C. N., Urban, N., Ilg, A., Wallny, T., Scharfstadt, A., Jager, M., et al. (2007). [Influence of the riding discipline and riding intensity on the incidence of back pain in competitive horseback riders]. Sportverletz Sportschaden, 21(1), 29–33.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The connection between morphologic changes of the spine and the intensity of training has been assessed for a number of sport activities. The influence of horseback riding on the spine has only rarely been evaluated. The aim of our study was to evaluate to what degree horseback riders suffer from back pain and whether there is an association between this parameter and the category i. e. the intensity of horseback riding. Furthermore we wanted to judge whether riding may have a positive effect on pre-existent back pain. METHODS: 508 horseback riders (63.2 % females; 36.8 % males) competing in either dressage, showjumping or vaulting were interviewed using a questionnaire. Apart from biometric data, the intensity with which riding was performed and the localisation and intensity (VAS) of back pain was assessed. Furthermore, in the case of existing back pain, riders were asked whether different riding disciplines and paces changed the intensity of pain. RESULTS: 300 dressage riders (59.1 %), 188 showjumpers (37.0 %) and 20 vaulters (3.9 %) with an average age of 33.5 Jahre (12 – 77 years) were questioned. The incidence of back pain was 72.5 %. A significant correlation between back pain and riding discipline respectively gender or riding level could not be found. Discrepancies in VAS-score for dressage riders (3.95 +/- 0.13), show jumpers (4.10 +/- 0.16) and vaulters (3.76 +/- 0.5) were marginal and not significant (p > 0.05). Overall 58.7 % resp. 15.2 % reported to have pain in the lumbar i.e cervical spine. Despite the fact that a large fraction of dressage riders claimed to have problems in these spine areas with 57.7 % resp. 68.8 %, this finding was not significant compared to the other riding disciplines. While 61.6 % of dressage riders reported an improvement of their back pain when riding, this was only the case in 40.9 % of show jumpers. CONCLUSION: Compared to the general population, a high incidence of back pain is found among riders. A significant correlation between the intensity of riding or the riding discipline and frequency or severity of back pain could not be found. For riders with pre-existent back pain the pace “walk” seems to have a positive influence on pain intensity.
Napolitano, F., De Rosa, G., Braghieri, A., Grasso, F., Bordi, A., & Wemelsfelder, F. (2008). The qualitative assessment of responsiveness to environmental challenge in horses and ponies. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 109(2-4), 342–354.
Abstract: The responsiveness of 10 horses and 10 ponies to environmental challenge (represented by an open field test) was assessed using a qualitative approach based on free choice profiling methodology (FCP), which gives observers complete freedom to choose their own descriptive terms. Data were analysed with generalised Procrustes analysis (GPA), a multivariate statistical technique associated with FCP. A cross-validation of the outcomes of this approach to data recorded through quantitative behaviour analysis, and through a questionnaire given to the animals' owner/riding instructor, was also performed using principal component analysis (PCA). Twelve undergraduate students generated their own descriptive vocabularies, by watching 20 horse/pony video clips lasting 2.5 min each. GPA showed that the consensus profile explained a high percentage of variation among the 12 observers, and differed significantly from the mean randomised profile (p < 0.001). Two main dimensions of the consensus profile were identified, explaining 60% and 5.2% of the variation between animals, respectively. The 12 observer word charts interpreting these dimensions were semantically consistent, as they all converged towards the same meaning, albeit using different terms. The most used term to describe the positive end of axis 1 was “quiet”, whereas “attentive” was the best positive descriptor of axis 2. The most frequently used descriptors for the negative ends of axes 1 and 2 were “nervous” and “bored”, respectively. Thus, axis 1 was labelled as “quiet/nervous” and axis 2 was named as “attentive/bored”. A marked effect of animal category was observed on the scores of the animals on the first dimension (p < 0.001). Horses received significantly higher scores, and were thus assessed as more quiet and calm, than ponies. Conversely, ponies tended to receive lower scores on the second dimension (p < 0.12), therefore they appeared less curious and attentive. The results of the PCA showed that the variables from different types of measurement clearly had meaningful relationships. For instance, the variables with the highest loading on the positive end of axis 1 were all indicative of tractable and docile animals, whereas axis 2 showed high loadings on the positive end for variables indicating attentive animals. Qualitative behaviour assessment proved to be an appropriate methodology for the study of horse behavioural responsiveness, in that it provided a multifaceted characterisation of horse behavioural expression that was in agreement with other quantitative and subjective assessments of the animals' behaviour.
Rietmann, T. R., Stauffacher, M., Bernasconi, P., Auer, J. A., & Weishaupt, M. A. (2004). The association between heart rate, heart rate variability, endocrine and behavioural pain measures in horses suffering from laminitis. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med, 51(5), 218–225.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to compare the stress response of horses suffering from laminitis after short- and long-term treatment with the intent to evaluate power spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) for pain monitoring. Data were collected from 19 horses with acute or chronic exacerbating laminitis without known primary disease before and after treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). Recordings were carried out the day after admission to the equine hospital. Measurements were repeated on day 7 of the treatment. The recorded parameters included a clinical orthopaedic index (OLPI: Obel-grade plus hoof tester score), frequency of weight-shifting between contralateral limbs, mean beat-to-beat interval (R-R) duration, standard deviation of continuous R-R intervals, low- (LF) and high-frequency (HF) components of HRV, sympatho-vagal balance (LF/HF), and plasma concentration of cortisol, adrenalin and noradrenalin. The LF represents mainly sympathetic influences on the heart whereas HF is mediated by the parasympathetic tone. Weight-shifting and OLPI decreased significantly with treatment. The LF normalized units (n.u.) decreased after NSAID from 60.41 +/- 21.42 to 51.12 +/- 19.81 and was 49.33 +/- 22.64 on day 7, whereas HF n.u. increased from 35.07 +/- 20.02 to 43.14 +/- 18.30 and was 45.98 +/- 23.00 on day 7. Hormone levels showed no tendency to change with treatment. The OLPI was only correlated with LF/HF, LF and HF (R = 0.57, 0.55 and -0.54 respectively). Significant negative correlations existed between HFn.u. and weight-shifting frequency (R = -0.37), HFn.u. and adrenalin (R = -0.47), and HFn.u. and noradrenalin (R = 0.33). The LFn.u. only correlated positively with adrenalin. Cortisol levels were poorly associated with the other parameters. Determination of the sympatho-vagal influences on cardiac function may offer complementary information for reliable assessment of pain and may represent a valuable alternative method to catecholamine measurements.
Robertson, S. (2006). The importance of assessing pain in horses and donkeys. Equine Vet J, 38(1), 5–6.
Stucke, D. (2012). Überprüfung der Anwendbarkeit der „Chronopsychobiologischen Regulationsdiagnostik“ (CRD) zur Beurteilung von Belastungssituationen und Bestimmung von Stressreaktionstypen bei Pferden. Ph.D. thesis, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Hannover.
Abstract: In dieser Untersuchung sollte überprüft werden, ob die für die Stressmessung beim Menschen angewandte „Chronopsychobiologische Regulationsdiagnostik“ (CRD) mithilfe des smardwatch®-Messsystems auch beim Pferd psychische Belastungssituationen aussagekräftig widerspiegelt. Menschen können anhand variierender physiologischer und ethologischer Reaktionen auf Stressoren aus der Umwelt in Stresstypen eingeteilt werden. Auch Pferde reagieren in identischen Situationen ganz unterschiedlich. Es stellte sich daher die Frage, ob Pferde ebenfalls bestimmten Stresstypen zugeordnet werden können.
Mit 26 dreijährigen Hengsten des Landgestüts Celle wurde ein Verhaltenstest durchgeführt. Auf der Grundlage wissenschaftlich dokumentierter und modifizierter Testsituationen (Open-Field-Test, Novel-Object-Test, Startling-Test Objekt/Geräusch, Mensch-Pferd-Interaktion, Ressourcenkontrolle) wurde das Erkundungs- und Fluchtverhalten untersucht (Goslar 2011). Während dieser Belastungssituationen wurden mit dem smardwatch®-Messgerät die elektrophysiologischen Parameter Hautwiderstand, Hautpotential und Muskelaktivität erfasst. Durch eine Zeitreihenmessung dieser physiologischen Parameter konnten die Reaktionen des übergeordneten Reglers (vegetatives Nervensystem) dargestellt werden. Der Hautwiderstand spiegelt die vegetativ-emotionalen Reaktionen wider, das Hautpotential die vegetativ-nervalen und somit laut Balzer (2009) die kognitiven Verarbeitungsweisen, und durch das Elektromyogramm werden die typischen muskulär-motorischen Reaktionen aufgezeichnet. Die vorliegenden Datenzeitreihen wurden mit Hilfe einer biorhythmometrischen Zeitreihenanalyse nach Balzer und Hecht (Hecht 2001, Balzer 2009) ausgewertet. Als Ergebnis wurden chronobiologische Regulationszustände definiert, die dann gemäß dem „Periodischen System der Regulationszustände“ (PSR) (Balzer 2000) eine Beurteilung der psychischen Belastungssituation erlauben. Zur Bestimmung von Stresstypen wurde die Untersuchung nach dem Reiz-Reaktions-Prinzip in drei Phasen unterteilt: Ruhephase, Stressreizphase und Stressverarbeitungsphase. Der Verhaltenstest wurde nach einer Woche zur gleichen Tageszeit mit jedem Hengst einmal wiederholt. Als physiologische Vergleichsparameter wurden vor, während und nach der Belastung insgesamt zehn Speichelproben zur Cortisolbestimmung entnommen.
Die smardwatch®-Messtechnik ist prinzipiell geeignet die physiologischen Parameter Hautwiderstand, Hautpotential und Muskelaktivität auf der Haut des Pferdes aufzunehmen. Durch die biorhythmometrische Zeitreihenanalyse konnten chronobiologische Regulationszustände definiert werden.
Der Verhaltenstest führte bei allen Pferden zu einem signifikanten Anstieg der Cortisolwerte. Ein ebenfalls statistisch gesicherter Unterschied der aktivierten Cortisolwerte zwischen der ersten und zweiten Testwoche zeigt eine geringere Stressreaktion und weist auf einen Lerneffekt der Pferde hin:
Entsprechend der relativen Instabilitäten der Regulation der Körperfunktionen in Messphase 2 und 3 konnten die Pferde in vier Stressregulationstypen (nach Balzer u. Hecht 1996) eingeteilt werden: Stressbeherrscher, -bewältiger und kompensierer sowie Stressnichtbewältiger.
Anhand der Aktivierung von Sympathikus und Parasympathikus konnten zusätzlich vier verschiedene Vegetative Stresstypen unterschieden werden: Sympathikotoniker, Amphotoniker, Indifferenter Typ und Vagotoniker.
Die Cortisolreaktion der Hengste war individuell sehr unterschiedlich. Um die maximalen Anstiege vergleichen zu können, wurde der Trend der jeweiligen Cortisolverlaufskurve bestimmt. Anhand der Trend-korrigierten Cortisolkurven konnten einerseits die relativen Maxima der Cortisolreaktion besser verglichen werden, anderseits konnten die Pferde mittels des unterschiedlichen Trendes in drei Cortisolverlaufsgruppen eingeteilt werden: Tendenz fallend, gleichbleibend oder steigend.
Ein statistischer Nachweis für eine Abhängigkeit zwischen den verschiedenen Stresstypenklassifizierungen konnte anhand der geringen Stichprobenzahl nicht erbracht werden. Jedoch lassen sich Pferde, wie Menschen, unterschiedlichen Stresstypen zuordnen. Schwierig bleibt aber die objektive Beurteilung von Befindlichkeiten, da Empfindungen und Gefühle nur subjektiv wahrnehmbare Qualitäten sind, die von einer Reihe innerer und äußerer Faktoren abhängen. Die Verhaltenszuordnung emotionaler Zustände durch die „Chronopsychobiologische Regulationsdiagnostik“ (CRD) kann nicht ohne die Basis weiterer vergleichender Studien vom Mensch auf das Pferd übertragen werden.
Die CRD-Methode könnte allerdings einen interdisziplinären Ansatz ermöglichen und zukünftig neben den klassischen deskriptiven Verhaltensbeobachtungen bei der Beurteilung von Haltungs- und Umgangssituationen von Tieren wertvolle Aufschlüsse über die Fähigkeit zur Stressbewältigung und deren Konsequenzen für das Wohlbefinden der Tiere geben.
In this study we examined, whether the “Chronopsychobiological regulation diagnosis” (CRD) with the smardwatch®-system which is used to assess specific strain in humans, is also able to reflect convincingly specific strain in horses. Humans can be categorized into so-called stress types, because they react differently in physiology and behaviour to environmental stimuli. Concerning horses, it is also known that individuals react differently in identical situations. The question to be answered is, if it is possible to categorize horses into certain stress types as well.
We carried out a behavioural test with 26 three-year-old stallions of the State Stud of Celle, involving different test situations. On the basis of test situations, well known in scientific literature including slight modifications (open-field-test, novel-object-test, startling-test object/sound, human-horse-interaction, resource control) the explorative and flight behaviour of horses were examined (Goslar 2011). During these situations of strain the system smardwatch® measured the electro-physiological parameters skin resistance, skin potential and muscle activity. With time series analyses of these physiological parameters the reactions of the vegetative nervous system as superior control could be shown. The skin resistance reflects the vegetative-emotional, the skin potential the vegetative-nervous hence according to Balzer (2009) cognitive reactions and the electromyogram shows the motorized reactions. The time series of measured data was analyzed using the biorhythmometrical time series analysis of Balzer and Hecht (Hecht 2001, Balzer 2009). As a result of this, typical states of chronobiological regulation were defined. With the help of the “periodic system of regulatory states” (PSR) (Balzer 2000) these led to a classification of mental stress situations. To categorize horses into stress types the study was devided into three phases according to the stimulus-response principle: phase 1 (relaxing), phase 2 (situation of strain) and phase 3 (stimulus processing phase). The behavioural test was repeated once with each stallion exactly one week later. In addition ten samples of saliva were taken before, during and after the situations of strain from which we determined the cortisol concentration to be compared with the chronopsychobiological parameters.
The smardwatch®-measurement technology is fundamentally suitable to measure the physiological parameters skin resistance, skin potential and electrical muscle activity of horses. Using the biorhythmometrical time series analysis, chronobiological regulatory states could be defined for horses as well.
For each horse the cortisol value increased significantly during the behavioural test. A remarkable difference of the cortisol values assessed in the first and second test, indicates a learning effect: The behavioural test led to a significantly lower stress reaction in the second week.
Depending on the proportions of unstable regulation processes during and after the situations of strain, four types of regulation (Balzer u. Hecht 1996) can be defined: the Control-, Cope-, Compensate- and Non-cope-type.
Using the activation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system four vegetative stress types could be determined: Sympathicotonic, Amphotonic, Indifferent Type and Vagotonic.
The stress reaction of the stallions in terms of cortisol level was quite individual. To compare the maximum increase the trend of each cortisol trajectory was analyzed. On the one hand correcting for the trend allowed a comparison of relative maxima, on the other hand the horses could be categorized into groups, according to the evolution of their cortisol level (cortisol progression groups): Tendency falling, stable or rising.
The number of samples was not considered to be sufficient in order to statistically assess some dependence among the different classifications of stress types. But to our point of view horses can be assigned to different stress types like humans. But it’s still difficult to judge the emotions of animals, because emotions are subjectively perceptible qualities dependent on many internal and external factors. The assignment of emotional behaviour to the chronopsychobiological regulation diagnosis (CRD) can’t be transferred from human to horse without further studies.
However, the CRD method could enable an interdisciplinary approach. Besides classic descriptive observations of behavior, the CRD could give further information about the coping capacity and the consequences for animal welfare in the assessment of stressful situations.
Vitale, V., Balocchi, R., Varanini, M., Sgorbini, M., Macerata, A., Sighieri, C., et al. (2013). The effects of restriction of movement on the reliability of heart rate variability measurements in the horse (Equus caballus). J. Vet. Behav., 8(5), 400–403.
Abstract: Analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is a noninvasive approach for investigating the sympathovagal balance of the autonomic nervous system. In recent years, HRV has been increasingly evaluated in animal research. In horses, it has been suggested that basal resting conditions can be achieved by restraining them. The aim of this study was to verify how restriction of movement influences HRV i2n horses. Ten healthy standardbred mares were used to measure the electrocardiographic signal under 2 conditions: free to move in the stall and restrained in the stock. Results indicate that the restriction of movement is associated with increased nervous system sympathetic activity not consistent with resting conditions.
Von PEINEN, K., Wiestner, T., Von RECHENBERG, B., & Weishaupt, M. A. (2010). Relationship between saddle pressure measurements and clinical signs of saddle soreness at the withers. Equine Veterinary Journal, 42, 650–653.
Abstract: Reasons for performing the study: Similar to human decubitus ulcers, local high pressure points from ill-fitting saddles induce perfusion disturbances of different degrees resulting in tissue hypoxia and alteration in sweat production. Objective: To relate the different clinical manifestations of saddle sores to the magnitude of saddle pressures at the location of the withers. Methods: Sixteen horses with dry spots after exercise (Group A) and 7 cases presented with acute clinical signs of saddle pressure in the withers area (Group B) were compared with a control group of 16 sound horses with well fitting saddles (Group C). All horses underwent a saddle pressure measurement at walk, trot and canter. Mean and maximal pressures in the area of interest were compared between groups within each gait. Results: Mean pressures differed significantly between groups in all 3 gaits. Maximal pressure differed between groups at trot; at walk and canter, however, the only significant difference was between Group C and Groups A and B, respectively, (P>0.05). Mean and maximal pressures at walk in Group A were 15.3 and 30.6 kPa, in Group B 24.0 and 38.9 kPa and in Group C 7.8 and 13.4 kPa, respectively; at trot in Group A 18.1 and 43.4 kPa, in Group B 29.7 and 53.3 kPa and in Group C 9.8 and 21.0 kPa, respectively; and at canter in Group A 21.4 and 48.9 kPa, in Group B 28.6 and 56.0 kPa and in Group C 10.9 and 24.7 kPa, respectively. Conclusion: The study shows that there is a distinguishable difference between the 3 groups regarding the mean pressure value, in all gaits.