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Aureli, F.; Preston, S.D.; de Waal, F.B. Heart rate responses to social interactions in free-moving rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta): a pilot study 1999 Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983) 197 113 59-65 details   openurl
Barrey, E.; Galloux, P. Analysis of the equine jumping technique by accelerometry 1997 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3796 45-49 details   openurl
Barth, J.; Reaux, J.E.; Povinelli, D.J. Chimpanzees' (Pan troglodytes) use of gaze cues in object-choice tasks: different methods yield different results 2005 Animal Cognition 2510 8 84-92 details   doi
Baudry, L.; Leroy, D.; Chollet, D. The effect of combined self- and expert-modelling on the performance of the double leg circle on the pommel horse 2006 Journal of Sports Sciences 4026 24 1055-1063 details   openurl
Broekhuis, F.; Madsen, E.K.; Klaassen, B. Predators and pastoralists: how anthropogenic pressures inside wildlife areas influence carnivore space use and movement behaviour 2019 Animal Conservation 6522 details   doi
Brooks, C.J.; Harris, S. Directed movement and orientation across a large natural landscape by zebras, Equus burchelli antiquorum 2008 Animal Behaviour 6148 76 277-285 details   doi
Burns, T.E.; Clayton, H.M. Comparison of the temporal kinematics of the canter pirouette and collected canter 1997 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3737 58-61 details   openurl
Burton, A.C.; Neilson, E.; Moreira, D.; Ladle, A.; Steenweg, R.; Fisher, J.T.; Bayne, E.; Boutin, S. REVIEW: Wildlife camera trapping: a review and recommendations for linking surveys to ecological processes 2015 Journal of Applied Ecology 6703 52 675-685 details   doi
Bystrom, A.; Roepstorff, L.; Johnston, C. Effects of draw reins on limb kinematics 2006 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3701 452-456 details   openurl
de Oliveira, K.; Soutello, R.V.G.; da Fonseca, R.; Costa, C.; de L. Meirelles, P.R.; Fachiolli, D.F.; Clayton, H.M. Gymnastic Training and Dynamic Mobilization Exercises Improve Stride Quality and Increase Epaxial Muscle Size in Therapy Horses 2015 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 6593 35 888-893 details   doi
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