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Gavrilova, O.; Haluzik, M.; Matsusue, K.; Cutson, J.J.; Johnson, L.; Dietz, K.R.; Nicol, C.J.; Vinson, C.; Gonzalez, F.J.; Reitman, M.L. Liver peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma contributes to hepatic steatosis, triglyceride clearance, and regulation of body fat mass 2003 The Journal of biological chemistry 81 278 34268-34276 details   doi
Hertel, J.; Altmann, H.J.; Drepper, K. [Nutritional physiology studies of the horse. II. Raw nutrient studies of the gastrointestinal tract of slaughtered horses] 1970 Zeitschrift fur Tierphysiologie, Tierernahrung und Futtermittelkunde 136 26 169-174 details   openurl
Weik, H.; Altmann, J. The effect of L(+)-lactate on rat and horse adipose tissue in vitro 1972 Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe A 132 19 514-518 details   openurl
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