Albentosa, M. J., Kjaer, J. B., & Nicol, C. J. (2003). Strain and age differences in behaviour, fear response and pecking tendency in laying hens. Br Poult Sci, 44(3), 333–344.
Abstract: 1. Behaviours associated with a high or low tendency to feather peck could be used as predictors of feather pecking behaviour in selective breeding programmes. This study investigated how strain and age at testing influenced responses in behavioural tests. 2. Four layer-type strains (ISA Brown, Columbian Blacktail, Ixworth and a high feather pecking (HP) and a low feather pecking (LP) line of White Leghorn) were reared in 6 same-strain/line pens of 8 birds from one day old. Birds in half the pens were given an open field test, a novel object test and a test with loose feather bundles between 4 and 12 weeks of age and a tonic immobility (TI) test at 13 weeks of age. All pens were tested with fixed feather bundles at 26 weeks, and undisturbed behaviour in the home pens was videoed at 1 and 27 weeks of age. Daily records of plumage damage were used as an indicator of feather pecking activity in the home pens. 3. Strain did not influence novel object test, open field test or loose feather test behaviour, although age effects in all three tests indicated a reduction in fearfulness and/or an increase in exploratory behaviour with increasing age. 4. White Leghorns showed longer TI durations than the other strains but less pecking at fixed feather bundles than ISA Browns and Columbian Blacktails. 5. There were few associations between behaviour in the 5 different tests, indicating that birds did not have overall behavioural traits that were consistent across different contexts. This suggests hens cannot easily be categorised into different behavioural 'types', based on their test responses and casts doubt on the usefulness of tests as predictors of feather pecking.
Anderson, T. M., McIlwraith, C. W., & Douay, P. (2004). The role of conformation in musculoskeletal problems in the racing Thoroughbred. Equine Vet J, 36(7), 571–575.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The relationship of conformation to future potential injury is a standard approach in practise but, at present, is largely based on subjective observations. OBJECTIVE: To measure conformation in 3-year-old Thoroughbreds and objectively test its relationship with the occurrence of musculoskeletal problems. METHODS: Conformation measurements were taken from photographs using specific reference points marked on the horses and processed on the computer. Clinical observations were recorded for each horse on a regular basis. Stepwise (forward) logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between the binary response of the clinical outcomes probability and the conformation variables by the method of maximum likelihood. RESULTS: Clinical outcomes significantly (P<0.05) associated with conformational variables included effusion of the front fetlock, effusion of the right carpus, effusion of the carpus, effusion of the hind fetlock, fracture of the left or right carpus, right front fetlock problem and hind fetlock problem. CONCLUSIONS: Offset knees (offset ratio) contributed to fetlock problems. Long pasterns increased the odds of a fracture in the front limb. An increase in the carpal angle as viewed from the front (carpal valgus) may serve as a protective mechanism, as the odds for a carpal fracture and carpal effusion decreased with an increase in the carpal angle. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This study demonstrates relationships between conformation and musculoskeletal disease in the racehorse. The information may be useful in selection and management of the racing Thoroughbred.
Baker, K. C., Seres, E., Aureli, F., & De Waal, F. B. (2000). Injury risks among chimpanzees in three housing conditions. Am. J. Primatol., 51(3), 161–175.
Abstract: Meeting the psychological needs of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) can be a challenge given their aggressiveness on the one hand and the complexity of their social lives on the other. It is unclear how to balance the need to provide opportunities for species-appropriate behavior against potential risks of injury chimpanzees may inflict on each other. This study evaluates the suggestion that simpler social environments protect chimpanzees from wounding. Over a two-year period all visible injuries to 46 adult males, 64 adult females, and 25 immature chimpanzees were recorded at the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center. Approximately half of the subjects were mother-reared, and the rest were nursery-reared. Housing included compounds containing about 20 chimpanzees, interconnected indoor-outdoor runs for groups of up to 12 individuals, and smaller indoor-outdoor runs for pairs and trios. Annual wounding rates were calculated for serious wounds (extensive injuries and all those requiring veterinary intervention) as well as for minor wounds. Compound-housed chimpanzees incurred the highest level of minor wounding, but serious wounding levels were not affected by housing condition. Even with a period of dominance instability and elevated levels of wounding in one compound, compound chimpanzees were not injured more than those in smaller social groups over the long term. Nursery-reared females in moderate-sized groups were wounded more than mother-reared females. Also, nursery-reared males and females were wounded less often when paired with mother-reared companions. Overall, this study indicates that maintaining chimpanzees in pairs and trios would not be an effective means for reducing injuries. The management of wounding in chimpanzee colonies is influenced more by the sex and rearing composition of a colony.
Barnes, H. G., Tucker, R. L., Grant, B. D., Roberts, G. D., & Prades, M. (1995). Lag screw stabilization of a cervical vertebral fracture by use of computed tomography in a horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 206(2), 221–223.
Abstract: A traumatic fracture of C2 was diagnosed radiographically in a 1-year-old German Warm-blood stallion. Fracture configuration was difficult to see on survey radiographs. Computed tomography yielded a more accurate assessment of the fracture and facilitated fracture repair with cortical lag screws. Precise screw placement, to avoid spinal cord damage, was obtained by use of computed tomography. Follow-up radiography revealed normal bone healing, and the horse was in dressage schooling 24 months after surgery.
Bentley, T., Macky, K., & Edwards, J. (2006). Injuries to New Zealanders participating in adventure tourism and adventure sports: an analysis of Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) claims. N Z Med J, 119(1247), U2359.
Abstract: AIMS: The aim of this study was to examine the involvement of adventure tourism and adventure sports activity in injury claims made to the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). METHODS: Epidemiological analysis of ACC claims for the period, July 2004 to June 2005, where adventure activities were involved in the injury. RESULTS: 18,697 adventure tourism and adventure sports injury claims were identified from the data, representing 28 activity sectors. Injuries were most common during the summer months, and were most frequently located in the major population centres. The majority of injuries were incurred by claimants in the 20-50 years age groups, although claimants over 50 years of age had highest claims costs. Males incurred 60% of all claims. Four activities (horse riding, mountain biking, tramping/hiking, and surfing) were responsible for approximately 60% of all adventure tourism and adventure sports-related injuries. Slips, trips, and falls were the most common injury initiating events, and injuries were most often to the back/spine, shoulder, and knee. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest the need to investigate whether regulatory intervention in the form of codes of practice for high injury count activities such as horse riding and mountain biking may be necessary. Health promotion messages and education programs should focus on these and other high-injury risk areas. Improved risk management practices are required for commercial adventure tourism and adventure sports operators in New Zealand if safety is to be improved across this sector.
Birch, H. L., Bailey, A. J., & Goodship, A. E. (1998). Macroscopic 'degeneration' of equine superficial digital flexor tendon is accompanied by a change in extracellular matrix composition. Equine Vet J, 30(6), 534–539.
Abstract: Injuries to the superficial digital flexor tendon are common in horses required to gallop and jump at speed. Partial rupture of this tendon usually occurs in the central core of the midmetacarpal region and may be preceded by localised degenerative changes. Post mortem examination of apparently normal equine flexor tendons has revealed an abnormal macroscopic appearance in the central core, characterised by a reddish discolouration. We have previously shown that there is also physical damage to the collagen fibres. In the present study we tested the hypothesis that the abnormal appearance is accompanied by changes in the composition of the extracellular matrix of the tendon. Biochemical analysis of the extracellular matrix demonstrated an increase in total sulphated glycosaminoglycan content, increase in the proportion of type III collagen and decrease in collagen linked fluorescence in the central core of 'degenerated' tendons relative to tissue from the peripheral region of the same tendon. Dry matter content and total collagen content were not significantly different between tendon zones or normal and 'degenerated' tendons. These changes suggest a change in cell metabolism and matrix turnover in the central core of the tendon and are likely to contribute to a decrease in mechanical properties in this part of the tendon, predisposing to the characteristic partial rupture of the tendon.
Boden, L. A., Anderson, G. A., Charles, J. A., Morgan, K. L., Morton, J. M., Parkin, T. D. H., et al. (2006). Risk of fatality and causes of death of Thoroughbred horses associated with racing in Victoria, Australia: 1989-2004. Equine Vet J, 38(4), 312–318.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Determining the risk of fatality of Thoroughbred horses while racing is essential to assess the impact of intervention measures designed to minimise such fatalities. OBJECTIVES: To measure the risk of racehorse fatality in jump and flat starts on racecourses in Victoria, Australia, over a 15 year period and to determine proportional mortality rates for specific causes of death. METHODS: All fatalities of Thoroughbred horses that occurred during or within 24 h of a race were identified from a database. The risk of a start resulting in a racehorse fatality in all races and within flat and jump races, proportional mortality rates, population attributable risk, population attributable fraction and risk ratios were calculated along with 95% confidence intervals. Poisson regression was also performed to estimate risk ratios. RESULTS: There were 514 fatalities over the 15 year period; 316 in flat races and 198 in jump races. The risk of fatality was 0.44 per 1000 flat starts and 8.3 per 1000 jump starts (18.9 x greater). The risk of fatality on city tracks was 1.1 per 1000 starts whereas on country tracks it was 0.57 per 1000 starts. Of the 316 fatalities in flat races, 73.4% were due to limb injury, 2.5% to cranial or vertebral injury and 19.0% were sudden deaths. Of the 198 fatalities in jump races, 68.7% were due to limb injury, 16.2% to cranial or vertebral injury and 3.5% were sudden deaths. The risk of fatality in flat starts increased between 1989 and 2004 but the risk in jump starts remained unchanged over the 15 year period. CONCLUSIONS: The risk of fatality in flat starts was lower in Victoria than North America and the UK but the risk in jump starts was greater. Catastrophic limb injury was the major reason for racehorse fatality in Victoria but there was a larger percentage of sudden deaths than has been reported overseas. The risk of fatality in jump starts remained constant over the study period despite jump racing reviews that recommended changes to hurdle and steeple races to improve safety. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This study provides important benchmarks for the racing industry to monitor racetrack fatalities and evaluate intervention strategies.
Christensen, J. W., Søndergaard, E., Thodberg, K., & Halekoh, U. (2011). Effects of repeated regrouping on horse behaviour and injuries. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 133(3), 199–206.
Abstract: Domestic horses are faced with social challenges throughout their lives due to limitations in social contact, space restrictions and frequent changes in social companionship. This is in contrast to natural conditions where horses live in relatively stable harem bands. Currently, little is known about how repeated regrouping affect horse behaviour and welfare, and it is unknown whether horses may adapt to regrouping. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of an unstable group structure, caused by weekly regroupings, on behaviour and frequency of injuries in young horses. Forty-five horses were included in the study and were randomly assigned to the treatments; Stable (S; seven groups of three horses) or Unstable (U; eight groups of three horses). The experimental period lasted 7 weeks, during which horses in Stable groups remained in the same group, whereas one horse was exchanged between Unstable groups every week. The groups were kept in 80m×80m grass-covered enclosures and were fed additional roughage on the ground daily. Social interactions were recorded in Unstable groups immediately after each regrouping (30min), and in both Stable and Unstable groups on day 1, 3 and 6 after each regrouping (2×20min/group/day). Injuries were scored by the end of the experimental period. The level of aggression shown by horses in Unstable groups immediately after regrouping was not affected by week (F5,35=0.42, P=0.83), indicating that horses neither habituated, nor sensitized, to repeated regrouping. Compared to horses in Stable groups, more agonistic behaviour was shown by horses in Unstable groups (i.e. non-contact agonistic; F1,65=5.60, P=0.02), whereas there was no treatment effect on other variables. The level of play behaviour appeared, however, to be more variable in Unstable groups. There was a significant effect of week on the level of contact agonistic interactions as well as greeting behaviour, due to a high occurrence in weeks 4-6. Non-contact agonistic interactions constituted the major part of agonistic interactions (66%). Possibly as consequence, no serious injuries were registered and there was no treatment effect (U=184; P=0.11). We conclude that the behaviour of young horses is affected by group management, and that horses appear not to adapt to weekly regroupings.
Fürst, A., Knubben, J., Kurtz, A., Auer, J., & Stauffacher, M. (2006). Pferde in Gruppenhaltung: Eine Betrachtung aus tierärztlicher Sicht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Verletzungsrisikos [Group housing of horses: veterinary considerations with a focus on the prevention of bite and kick injuries]. Pferdeheilkunde, 22(3), 254–258.
Abstract: Mit der zunehmenden Bedeutung der Gruppenhaltung von Pferden ist die Tierärzteschaft gefordert mitzuhelfen, das Verletzungsrisiko in
Gruppenhaltungssystemen zu verringern. Dem Vermeiden von Schlag- und Bissverletzungen kommt hierbei eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Präventive
Maßnahmen konzentrieren sich im Wesentlichen auf die Gruppenzusammensetzung und Eingliederung neuer Pferde sowie auf die
Gestaltung der Haltungssysteme. Die Raumaufteilung und die Fütterungstechnik müssen equidentypisches Verhalten (Lokomotion, langandauernde
Futteraufnahme und schadensfreie soziale Interaktionen) erlauben. Es gilt, Kenntnisse über Zusammenhänge zwischen Haltung,
Fütterung, Nutzung, Verhalten und Gesundheit an Pferdehalter und Stallbaufirmen weiterzugeben.
[Although group housing of horses has become common practice, the risk of equine injury is substantial. The veterinary community is challenged
to reduce this risk, particularly with regard to injuries caused by kicking and biting. Preventive measures should focus on the disposition
of horses within the group, the introduction of new horses to the group and the design of the housing facility. Feeding methods as
well as the structure of the environment should meet the physiological requirements for horses; there should be adequate space for exercise,
extended foraging and the possibility of benign social interactions. Veterinarians need to educate horse owners and builders of equine
facilities about the husbandry, feeding, use, behaviour and health of horses.]
Keywords: Verhalten, Gruppenhaltung, Prävention, Schlagverletzungen, Bissverletzungen, Tierschutz [Behaviour, group housing, prevention, bite injuries, kick injuries, animal protection]
Gibson, K. T., Burbidge, H. M., & Anderson, B. H. (1997). Tendonitis of the branches of insertion of the superficial digital flexor tendon in horses. Aust Vet J, 75(4), 253–256.
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To describe clinical findings, ultrasonographic features and outcome of injury to the branches of insertion of the superficial digital flexor (SDF) tendon in horses. DESIGN: Retrospective study of 14 cases. PROCEDURE: Fourteen Thoroughbred horses with tendonitis affecting the branches of insertion of the SDF tendon were examined for lameness, location and amount of swelling, and the presence of other musculoskeletal abnormalities. The flexor tendons were assessed by ultrasonographic examination, and recommendations were made for management of the cases. Outcome was assessed by re-examination of some horses, direct communication with the owner or trainer, and examination of race records. RESULTS: The lateral SDF branch was affected in 10 horses; the medial branch in three, and both branches in one horse. Two horses had concurrent injuries to the SDF tendon in the metacarpal region of the contralateral limb. Ultrasonographic findings included swelling of the affected SDF branch, peritendinous fluid accumulation, disruption of normal fibre alignment on sagittal scan, and variable loss of echogenicity. As healing occurred, there was return of normal echogenicity, but normal fibre alignment did not return completely and apparent adhesions formed between the affected SDF branch and adjacent structures. Seven of 10 horses which returned to their previous use were able to compete without further tendon injury. Recurrence of injury occurred in one case, and another two horses developed tendonitis in the metacarpal region. One horse was retired from racing but was able to compete at dressage without recurrence of injury. Two horses were retired for breeding without returning to training, and one horse was sold and lost to follow up but did not race. CONCLUSION: The prognosis is fair for return to previous use following injury to the branches of insertion of the SDF tendon in athletic horses.