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Alexander, F., & Collett, R. A. (1974). Pethidine in the horse. Res Vet Sci, 17(1), 136–137.
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Alexander, F., & Nicholson, J. D. (1968). The blood and saliva clearances of phenobarbitone and pentobarbitone in the horse. Biochem Pharmacol, 17(2), 203–210.
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Carroll, G. L., Matthews, N. S., Hartsfield, S. M., Slater, M. R., Champney, T. H., & Erickson, S. W. (1997). The effect of detomidine and its antagonism with tolazoline on stress-related hormones, metabolites, physiologic responses, and behavior in awake ponies. Vet Surg, 26(1), 69–77.
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