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Simpson, B.S. Neonatal foal handling 2002 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 3623 78 303-317 details   doi
Spier, S.J.; Berger Pusterla, J.; Villarroel, A.; Pusterla, N. Outcome of tactile conditioning of neonates, or “imprint training” on selected handling measures in foals 2004 The Veterinary Journal 3684 168 252-258 details   doi
Williams, J.L.; Friend, T.H.; Toscano, M.J.; Collins, M.N.; Sisto-Burt, A.; Nevill, C.H. The effects of early training sessions on the reactions of foals at 1, 2, and 3 months of age 2002 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 4331 77 105-114 details   doi
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