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Baltic, M.; Jenni-Eiermann, S.; Arlettaz, R.; Palme, R. A noninvasive technique to evaluate human-generated stress in the black grouse 2005 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 4080 1046 81-95 details   doi
Ganswindt, A.; Palme, R.; Heistermann, M.; Borragan, S.; Hodges, J.K. Non-invasive assessment of adrenocortical function in the male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and its relation to musth 2003 General and Comparative Endocrinology 4085 134 156-166 details   openurl
Heistermann, M.; Palme, R.; Ganswindt, A. Comparison of different enzyme-immunoassays for assessment of adrenocortical activity in primates based on fecal analysis 2006 American journal of primatology 4078 68 257-273 details   doi
Palme, R.; Moestl, E. Measurement of cortisol metabolites in faeces of sheep as a parameter of cortisol concentration in blood 1997 Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 6044 62 192-197 details   openurl
Schwarzenberger, F.; Mostl, E.; Bamberg, E.; Pammer, J.; Schmehlik, O. Concentrations of progestagens and oestrogens in the faeces of pregnant Lipizzan, trotter and thoroughbred mares 1991 Journal of reproduction and fertility. Supplement 322 44 489-499 details   openurl
Touma, C.; Palme, R.; Sachser, N. Analyzing corticosterone metabolites in fecal samples of mice: a noninvasive technique to monitor stress hormones 2004 Hormones and Behavior 4084 45 10-22 details   openurl
Touma, C.; Sachser, N.; Mostl, E.; Palme, R. Effects of sex and time of day on metabolism and excretion of corticosterone in urine and feces of mice 2003 General and Comparative Endocrinology 4086 130 267-278 details   openurl
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