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Kirkpatrick, J. F., & Turner, A. (2002). Reversibility of action and safety during pregnancy of immunization against porcine zona pellucida in wild mares (Equus caballus). Reprod Suppl, 60, 197–202.
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Kirkpatrick, J. F., Turner, J. W. J., Liu, I. K., Fayrer-Hosken, R., & Rutberg, A. T. (1997). Case studies in wildlife immunocontraception: wild and feral equids and white-tailed deer. Reprod Fertil Dev, 9(1), 105–110.
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Maninger, N., Capitanio, J. P., Mendoza, S. P., & Mason, W. A. (2003). Personality influences tetanus-specific antibody response in adult male rhesus macaques after removal from natal group and housing relocation. Am. J. Primatol., 61(2), 73–83.
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