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Donnelly, J.; Phipps, L.P.; Watkins, K.L. Evidence of maternal antibodies to Babesia equi and B caballi in foals of seropositive mares 1982 Equine Veterinary Journal 2280 14 126-128 details   doi
Palm, A.-K.E.; Wattle, O.; Lundström, T.; Wattrang, E. Secretory immunoglobulin A and immunoglobulin G in horse saliva 2016 Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 6514 180 59-65 details   doi
Quaranta, A.; Siniscalchi, M.; Frate, A.; Vallortigara, G. Paw preference in dogs: relations between lateralised behaviour and immunity 2004 Behavioural Brain Research 5783 153 521-525 details   doi
Zaine, L.; Ferreira, C.; de O. S. Gomes, M.; Monti, M.; Tortola, L.; Vasconcellos, R.S.; Carciofi, A.C. Faecal IgA concentration is influenced by age in dogs 2011 British Journal of Nutrition 5993 106 S183-S186 details   doi
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