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Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages
Christensen, J.W.; Beekmans, M.; van Dalum, M.; VanDierendonck, M. Effects of hyperflexion on acute stress responses in ridden dressage horses 2014 Physiology & Behavior 6507 128 39-45
Kienapfel, Kathrin Und was meinen die Pferde dazu? – Über das Ausdrucksverhalten von Pferden bei verschiedenen Halsstellungen [ And what are the opinions of the horses? – On the expressive behaviour of horses in different neck positions] 2011 Pferdeheilkunde 5792 27 357-372-380
König von Borstel, U.; Kienapfel, K.; McLean, A.; Wilkins, C.; Evans, D.; McGreevy, P. Hyperflexing the horse‘s neck: a cost-benefit and meta-analysis 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5872
Zebisch, A.; May, A.; Reese, S.; Gehlen, H. Effect of different head-neck positions on physical and psychological stress parameters in the ridden horse 2013 Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 6427 98 901-907