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Abbruzzetti, S.; Crema, E.; Masino, L.; Vecli, A.; Viappiani, C.; Small, J.R.; Libertini, L.J.; Small, E.W. Fast events in protein folding: structural volume changes accompanying the early events in the N-->I transition of apomyoglobin induced by ultrafast pH jump 2000 Biophysical Journal 3792 78 405-415 details   openurl
Abbruzzetti, S.; Viappiani, C.; Sinibaldi, F.; Santucci, R. Kinetics of histidine dissociation from the heme Fe(III) in N-fragment (residues 1-56) of cytochrome c 2004 The Protein Journal 3770 23 519-527 details   openurl
Abbruzzetti, S.; Viappiani, C.; Small, J.R.; Libertini, L.J.; Small, E.W. Kinetics of histidine deligation from the heme in GuHCl-unfolded Fe(III) cytochrome C studied by a laser-induced pH-jump technique 2001 Journal of the American Chemical Society 3788 123 6649-6653 details   openurl
Andersson, P.; Kvassman, J.; Lindstrom, A.; Olden, B.; Pettersson, G. Effect of NADH on the pKa of zinc-bound water in liver alcohol dehydrogenase 1981 European Journal of Biochemistry / FEBS 3810 113 425-433 details   openurl
Czerlinski, G.H.; Erickson, J.O.; Theorell, H. Chemical relaxation studies on the horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase system 1979 Physiological Chemistry and Physics 3813 11 537-569 details   openurl
Czerlinski, G.H.; Wagner, M.; Erickson, J.O.; Theorell, H. Chemical relaxation studies on the system liver alcohol dehydrogenase, NADH and imidazole 1975 Acta Chemica Scandinavica. Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry 3887 29 797-810 details   openurl
Dunn, M.F.; Branlant, G. Roles of zinc ion and reduced coenzyme in horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase catalysis. The mechanism of aldehyde activation 1975 Biochemistry 3817 14 3176-3182 details   openurl
Dyson, H.J.; Beattie, J.K. Spin state and unfolding equilibria of ferricytochrome c in acidic solutions 1982 The Journal of Biological Chemistry 3807 257 2267-2273 details   openurl
Gulotta, M.; Gilmanshin, R.; Buscher, T.C.; Callender, R.H.; Dyer, R.B. Core formation in apomyoglobin: probing the upper reaches of the folding energy landscape 2001 Biochemistry 3789 40 5137-5143 details   openurl
Haruta, N.; Kitagawa, T. Time-resolved UV resonance Raman investigation of protein folding using a rapid mixer: characterization of kinetic folding intermediates of apomyoglobin 2002 Biochemistry 3785 41 6595-6604 details   openurl
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