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Mormède, P.; Andanson, S.; Aupérin, B.; Beerda, B.; Guémené, D.; Malmkvist, J.; Manteca, X.; Manteuffel, G.; Prunet, P.; van Reenen, C.G.; Richard, S.; Veissier, I. Exploration of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function as a tool to evaluate animal welfare 2007 Physiology & Behavior 4454 92 317-339 details   doi
Tiefenbacher, S.; Lee, B.; Meyer, J.S.; Spealman, R.D. Noninvasive technique for the repeated sampling of salivary free cortisol in awake, unrestrained squirrel monkeys 2003 American Journal of Primatology 5573 60 69-75 details   doi
Visser, E.K.; Ellis, A.D.; Van Reenen, C.G. The effect of two different housing conditions on the welfare of young horses stabled for the first time 2008 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6630 114 521-533 details   doi
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