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Christensen, J.W.; Rundgren, M.; Olsson, K. Training methods for horses: habituation to a frightening stimulus 2006 Equine veterinary journal 1783 38 439-443 details   openurl
Grogan, E.H.; McDonnell, S.M. Behavioral responses to two intranasal vaccine applicators in horses and ponies 2005 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1890 226 1689-1693 details   openurl
Hall, C.A.; Cassaday, H.J.; Derrington, A.M. The effect of stimulus height on visual discrimination in horses 2003 Journal of Animal Science 835 81 1715-1720 details   openurl
Houpt, K.A.; Zahorik, D.M.; Swartzman-Andert, J.A. Taste aversion learning in horses 1990 Journal of animal science 41 68 2340-2344 details   openurl
Visser, E.K.; Van Reenen, C.G.; Rundgren, M.; Zetterqvist, M.; Morgan, K.; Blokhuis, H.J. Responses of horses in behavioural tests correlate with temperament assessed by riders 2003 Equine Veterinary Journal 1906 35 176-183 details   openurl
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