Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
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Volume |
Pages |
Links |
A. Lanata; A. Guidi; G. Valenza; P. Baragli; E. P. Scilingo |
Quantitative heartbeat coupling measures in human-horse interaction |
2016 |
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) |
6175 |
2696-2699 |
Hoffmann, G.; Bockisch, F.-J.; Kreimeier, P. |
Einfluss des Haltungssystems auf die Bewegungsaktivität und Stressbelastung bei Pferden in Auslaufhaltungssystemen |
2009 |
Landbauforschung – vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research |
5661 |
2 |
105-112 |
König v. Borstel, U.; Visser, E.K.; Hall, C. |
Indicators of stress in equitation |
2017 |
Applied Animal Behaviour Science |
6160 |
190 |
43-56 |
König von Borstel, U.; Euent, S.; Graf, P.; König, S.; Gauly, M. |
Equine behaviour and heart rate in temperament tests with or without rider or handler |
2011 |
Physiology & Behavior |
5641 |
104 |
454-463 |
König von Borstel, U.; Pasing, S.; Gauly, M. |
Towards a more objective assessment of equine personality using behavioural and physiological observations from performance test training |
2011 |
Applied Animal Behaviour Science |
5489 |
135 |
277-285 |
Schmidt, A.; Aurich, J.; Möstl, E.; Müller, J.; Aurich, C. |
Changes in cortisol release and heart rate and heart rate variability during the initial training of 3-year-old sport horses |
2010 |
Hormones and Behavior |
5223 |
58 |
628-636 |
Schmidt, A.; Biau, S.; Möstl, E.; Becker-Birck, M.; Morillon, B.; Aurich, J.; Faure, J.-M.; Aurich, C. |
Changes in cortisol release and heart rate variability in sport horses during long-distance road transport |
2010 |
Domestic Animal Endocrinology |
5386 |
38 |
179-189 |
Schmidt, A.; Möstl, E.; Wehnert, C.; Aurich, J.; Müller, J.; Aurich, C. |
Cortisol release and heart rate variability in horses during road transport |
2010 |
Hormones and Behavior |
5387 |
57 |
209-215 |
Visser, E.K.; van Reenen, C.G.; van der Werf, J.T.N.; Schilder, M.B.H.; Knaap, J.H.; Barneveld, A.; Blokhuis, H.J. |
Heart rate and heart rate variability during a novel object test and a handling test in young horses |
2002 |
Physiology & Behavior |
320 |
76 |
289-296 |
Vitale, V.; Balocchi, R.; Varanini, M.; Sgorbini, M.; Macerata, A.; Sighieri, C.; Baragli, P. |
The effects of restriction of movement on the reliability of heart rate variability measurements in the horse (Equus caballus) |
2013 |
Journal of Veterinary Behavior |
6618 |
8 |
400-403 |