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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
A. Lanata; A. Guidi; G. Valenza; P. Baragli; E. P. Scilingo Quantitative heartbeat coupling measures in human-horse interaction 2016 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 6175 2696-2699 details   doi
Aerts, J.-M.; Gebruers, F.; Van Camp, E.; Berckmans, D. Controlling horse heart rate as a basis for training improvement 2008 Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 4555 64 78-84 details   doi
Arnold, W.; Ruf, T.; Kuntz, R. Seasonal adjustment of energy budget in a large wild mammal, the Przewalski horse (Equus ferus przewalskii) II. Energy expenditure 2006 The Journal of experimental biology 1782 209 4566-4573 details   doi
Aureli, F.; Preston, S.D.; de Waal, F.B. Heart rate responses to social interactions in free-moving rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta): a pilot study 1999 Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983) 197 113 59-65 details   openurl
Carroll, G.L.; Matthews, N.S.; Hartsfield, S.M.; Slater, M.R.; Champney, T.H.; Erickson, S.W. The effect of detomidine and its antagonism with tolazoline on stress-related hormones, metabolites, physiologic responses, and behavior in awake ponies 1997 Veterinary surgery : VS : the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons 96 26 69-77 details   openurl
Cattell, R.B.; Korth, B. The isolation of temperament dimensions in dogs 1973 Behavioral Biology 4140 9 15-30 details   openurl
Christensen, J.W.; Keeling, L.J.; Nielsen, B.L. Responses of horses to novel visual, olfactory and auditory stimuli 2005 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2256 93 53-65 details   doi
Christensen, J.W.; Munk, R.; Hawson, L.; Palme, R.; Larsen, T.; Egenvall, A.; König von Borstel, U.U.; Rørvang, M.V. Rider effects on horses' conflict behaviour, rein tension, physiological measures and rideability scores 2021 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6696 234 105184 details   doi
Christensen, J.W.; Rundgren, M. Predator odour per se does not frighten domestic horses 2008 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 4339 112 136-145 details   doi
Christensen, J.W.; Rundgren, M.; Olsson, K. Training methods for horses: habituation to a frightening stimulus 2006 Equine veterinary journal 1783 38 439-443 details   openurl
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