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Broucek, J., Uhrincat, M., KiÅ¡ac, P., Hanus, A.. Hair Whorl Position as a Predictor of Learning Ability and Locomotor Behavior in Cattle? 2004 ACTA VETERINARIA BRUNENSIS 4321 73 455-459 details   openurl
Chmel, L.; Hasilikova, A.; Hrasko, J.; Vlacilikova, A. The influence of some ecological factors on keratinophilic fungi in the soil 1972 Sabouraudia 2719 10 26-34 details   openurl
Gorecka, A.; Golonka, M.; Chruszczewski, M.; Jezierski, T. A note on behaviour and heart rate in horses differing in facial hair whorl 2007 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 460 105 244-248 details   doi
Hauser, M.D.; Kralik, J.; Botto-Mahan, C.; Garrett, M.; Oser, J. Self-recognition in primates: phylogeny and the salience of species-typical features 1995 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2825 92 10811-10814 details   openurl
Siniscalchi, M.; McFarlane, J.R.; Kauter, K.G.; Quaranta, A.; Rogers, L.J. Cortisol levels in hair reflect behavioural reactivity of dogs to acoustic stimuli 2013 Research in Veterinary Science 5833 94 49-54 details   doi
Taberlet, P.; Waits, L.P.; Luikart, G. Noninvasive genetic sampling: look before you leap 1999 Trends in Ecology & Evolution 6573 14 323-327 details   doi
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