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Brosnan, S.F.; Schiff, H.C.; de Waal, F.B.M. Tolerance for inequity may increase with social closeness in chimpanzees 2005 Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society 169 272 253-258 details   doi
Conradt, L.; Roper, T.J. Group decision-making in animals 2003 Nature 5136 421 155-158 details   doi
de Waal, F.B.; Luttrell, L.M. The similarity principle underlying social bonding among female rhesus monkeys 1986 Folia primatologica; international journal of primatology 211 46 215-234 details   openurl
Hinde, R.A. Analyzing the roles of the partners in a behavioral interaction--mother-infant relations in rhesus macaques 1969 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2054 159 651-667 details   openurl
King, A.J.; Douglas, C.M.S.; Huchard, E.; Isaac, N.J.B.; Cowlishaw, G. Dominance and affiliation mediate despotism in a social primate 2008 Current Biology : CB 5124 18 1833-1838 details   doi
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