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Boden, L. A., Anderson, G. A., Charles, J. A., Morgan, K. L., Morton, J. M., Parkin, T. D. H., et al. (2006). Risk of fatality and causes of death of Thoroughbred horses associated with racing in Victoria, Australia: 1989-2004. Equine Vet J, 38(4), 312–318.
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Ionita, J. C., Poncet, P. A., Doherr, M. G., & Steiger, A. (2006). [Evaluation of the quality of husbandry of Franches-Montagnes horses in their breeding farms]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd, 148(4), 191–197.
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Rollot, Y., Lecuyer, E., Chateau, H., & Crevier-Denoix, N. (2004). Development of a 3D model of the equine distal forelimb and of a GRF shoe for noninvasive determination of in vivo tendon and ligament loads and strains. Equine Vet J, 36(8), 677–682.
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