Gardner, A., West, S. A. (2004). Cooperation and Punishment, Especially in Humans. Americ. Natur., 164(6), 753–764.
Abstract: Explaining altruistic cooperation is one of the greatest
challenges faced by sociologists, economists, and evolutionary biologists.
The problem is determining why an individual would carry
out a costly behavior that benefits another. Possible solutions to this
problem include kinship, repeated interactions, and policing. Another
solution that has recently received much attention is the threat
of punishment. However, punishing behavior is often costly for the
punisher, and so it is not immediately clear how costly punishment
could evolve. We use a direct (neighbor-modulated) fitness approach
to analyze when punishment is favored. This methodology reveals
that, contrary to previous suggestions, relatedness between interacting
individuals is not crucial to explaining cooperation through punishment.
In fact, increasing relatedness directly disfavors punishing
behavior. Instead, the crucial factor is a positive correlation between
the punishment strategy of an individual and the cooperation it
receives. This could arise in several ways, such as when facultative
adjustment of behavior leads individuals to cooperate more when
interacting with individuals who are more likely to punish. More
generally, our results provide a clear example of how the fundamental
factor driving the evolution of social traits is a correlation between
social partners and how this can arise for reasons other than genealogical
Gramkow, H. L., & Evans, D. L. (2006). Correlation of race earnings with velocity at maximal heart rate during a field exercise test in thoroughbred racehorses. Equine Vet J Suppl, (36), 118–122.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Running ability of Thoroughbred racehorses is correlated with maximal oxygen uptake, and the velocity at maximal oxygen uptake is highly correlated with the velocity at maximal heart rate (VHRmax). OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between VHRmax and racing performance, expressed as 'peak dollars earned per race start'. METHODS: Heart rate (HR) and velocity were recorded in 25 Thoroughbred racehorses during trotting and subsequent fast gallops in the field at velocities of 15-16 m/sec. Velocity was recorded by a global positioning system (GPS). Maximal HR (HRmax) and maximal velocity (Vmax) were identified, and a linear regression of HR on velocity for trotting and galloping data was constructed to derive VHRmax. Horses followed the training programme designed by one trainer, had at least 6 race starts and were clinically sound at the time of testing. Race earnings were expressed as the peak dollars per start in the horse's race career. Data were normalised using the results for the square root of 'peak dollars earned per race start' and the significance of associations between variables was determined by correlation coefficient and least square analyses. RESULTS: Horses with higher VHRmax earned significantly more dollars per race start (r = 0.41, P<0.05), and horses with VHRmax less than 14.5 m/sec had mean earnings of less than A$2500 per race. There were no correlations between race earnings and either HRmax or Vmax. CONCLUSION: Field studies of the relationship between HR and velocity with a GPS enable identification of horses with limited earnings. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This study demonstrates that a field test of fitness of Thoroughbred racehorses that correlates with retrospective racing ability is feasible. The technique has potential application in commercial training environments assisting with decisions concerning racing careers of individual racehorses.
Hada, T., Ohmura, H., Mukai, K., Eto, D., Takahashi, T., & Hiraga, A. (2006). Utilisation of the time constant calculated from heart rate recovery after exercise for evaluation of autonomic activity in horses. Equine Vet J Suppl, (36), 141–145.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Heart rate (HR) recovery immediately after exercise is controlled by autonomic functions and the time constant (T) calculated from HR recovery is thought to be an index of parasympathetic activity in man. OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether it is possible to evaluate autonomic function using the time constant in horses. METHODS: Five Thoroughbred horses were subjected to a standard exercise test. Following pre-medication with saline, atropine and/or propranolol, the horses ran for 2.5 min at a speed of 8 m/sec at a 10% incline and T was calculated from HR after the exercise. Secondly, 7 Thoroughbred horses were then trained for 11 weeks and T and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) measured at intervals of 1 or 2 weeks. In 6 horses, T with atropine pre-medication was also measured before and after the whole training period. Furthermore, the HR variability at rest was evaluated by power spectral analysis at intervals of 3 or 4 weeks. RESULTS: Time constant was increased by atropine and/or propranolol pre-medication, decreased with the progress of training and inversely correlated with VO2max during training (r = 0.43, P<0.005). Parasympathetic blockade significantly decreased T only after and not before, the training; however, T was lower in post training than in pretraining, irrespective of parasympathetic blockade. On the other hand, parasympathetic activity at rest was attenuated and sympathetic activity became predominant following the training. CONCLUSION: Heart rate recovery is affected by sympathetic withdrawal and parasympathetic reactivation in horses and suggests that physical training hastened HR recovery by improving the parasympathetic function after exercise with aerobic capacity. However, the effects of other factors need to be considered because the training effect appeared on T even under parasympathetic blockade. The parasympathetic activity at rest is in contrast to that after exercise, suggesting that T does not reflect parasympathetic activity at rest. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: If demonstrated how HR recovery is controlled after exercise, its analysis will be important in the evaluation of physical fitness in horses.
Kinnunen, S., Laukkanen, R., Haldi, J., Hanninen, O., & Atalay, M. (2006). Heart rate variability in trotters during different training periods. Equine Vet J Suppl, (36), 214–217.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Endurance training induces changes in autonomic nervous system functions. High intensity training includes the risk of overtraining, in man and horse. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a noninvasive measurement of the autonomic regulation of the heart rate, which is quick and easy to measure with modern telemetric technology. HYPOTHESIS: Since HRV is affected by changes in the autonomic nervous system, it might be an early stage indicator of poor recovery from a previous bout of exercise or overreaching or overtraining in horses in general. METHODS: The aim of the study was to monitor recovery and the possible overtraining status in horses by measuring HRV. The measurements reflected the responses of the previous day activities during different training periods including basic training, precompetition and competition during a one-year follow-up. RESULTS: HRV was at the highest during precompetition period (P<0.05) and it decreased significantly during competition period (P<0.05), indicating an increased stress load in the competition period. Walking increased HRV significantly compared to complete rest or jogging as previous day activities during basic training and precompetition periods (P<0.05). This finding suggests that horses are more relaxed during moderate exercise than standing still or anaerobic exercise. CONCLUSIONS: HRV can be used to monitor the cardiovascular responses to training in horses but confirmatory measures may also be required in addition to HRV to exclude other possible causes of underperformance.
Massen, J., Sterck, E., & de Vos, H. (2010). Close social associations in animals and humans: functions and mechanisms of friendship (Vol. 147).
Abstract: Both humans and group-living animals associate and behave affiliatively more with some individuals than others. Human friendship has long been acknowledged, and recently scientists studying animal behaviour have started using the term friendship for close social associates in animals. Yet, while biologists describe friends as social tools to enhance fitness, social scientists describe human friendship as unconditional. We investigate whether these different descriptions reflect true differences in human friendship and animal close social associations or are a by-product of different research approaches: namely social scientists focussing on proximate and biologists on ultimate explanations. We first stress the importance of similar measures to determine close social associations, thereafter examine their ultimate benefits and proximate motivations, and discuss the latest findings on the central-neural regulation of social bonds. We conclude that both human friendship and animal close social associations are ultimately beneficial. On the proximate level, motivations for friendship in humans and for close social associations in animals are not necessarily based on benefits and are often unconditional. Moreover, humans share with many animals a similar physiological basis of sociality. Therefore, biologists and social scientist describe the same phenomenon, and the use of the term friendship for animals seems justified.
Rogers, A. R. (1988). Does Biology Constrain Culture? Am Anthropol, 90(4), 819–831.
Abstract: Most social scientists would agree that the capacity for human culture was probably fashioned by natural selection, but they disagree about the implications of this supposition. Some believe that natural selection imposes important constraints on the ways in which culture can vary, while others believe that any such constraints must be negligible. This article employs a “thought experiment” to demonstrate that neither of these positions can be justified by appeal to general properties of culture or of evolution. Natural selection can produce mechanisms of cultural transmission that are neither adaptive nor consistent with the predictions of acultural evolutionary models (those ignoring cultural evolution). On the other hand, natural selection can also produce mechanisms of cultural transmission that are highly consistent with acultural models. Thus, neither side of the sociobiology debate is justified in dismissing the arguments of the other. Natural selection may impose significant constraints on some human behaviors, but negligible constraints on others. Models of simultaneous genetic/cultural evolution will be useful in identifying domains in which acultural evolutionary models are, and are not, likely to be useful.
Seyfarth, R. M., & Cheney, D. L. (2015). Social cognition. Animal Behaviour, 103, 191–202.
Abstract: The social intelligence hypothesis argues that competition and cooperation among individuals have shaped the evolution of cognition in animals. What do we mean by social cognition? Here we suggest that the building blocks of social cognition are a suite of skills, ordered roughly according to the cognitive demands they place upon individuals. These skills allow an animal to recognize others by various means; to recognize and remember other animals' relationships; and, perhaps, to attribute mental states to them. Some skills are elementary and virtually ubiquitous in the animal kingdom; others are more limited in their taxonomic distribution. We treat these skills as the targets of selection, and assume that more complex levels of social cognition evolve only when simpler methods are inadequate. As a result, more complex levels of social cognition indicate greater selective pressures in the past. The presence of each skill can be tested directly through field observations and experiments. In addition, the same methods that have been used to compare social cognition across species can also be used to measure individual differences within species and to test the hypothesis that individual differences in social cognition are linked to differences in reproductive success.
Trillmich, F., & Rehling, A. (2006). Animal Communication: Parent-Offspring. In Keith Brown (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (pp. 284–288). Oxford: Elsevier.
Abstract: Parent-offspring communication has evolved under strong selection to guarantee that the valuable resource of parental care is expended efficiently on raising offspring. To ensure allocation of parental care to their own offspring, individual recognition becomes established in higher vertebrates when the young become mobile at a time when a nest site can no longer provide a safe cue to recognition. Such recognition needs to be established by rapid, sometimes imprinting-like, processes in animals producing precocial offspring. In parents, offering strategies that stimulate feeding and entice offspring to approach the right site have evolved. Such parental signals can be olfactory, acoustic, or visual. In offspring, begging strategies involve shuffling for the best place to obtain food – be this the most productive teat or the best position in the nest. This involves signals that make the offspring particularly obvious to the parent. Parents often feed young according to their signaling intensity but may also show favoritism for weaker offspring. Offspring signals also serve to communicate the continuing presence of the young and may thereby maintain brood-care behavior in parents. Internal processes in parents may end parental care irrespective of further signaling by offspring, thus ensuring that offspring cannot manipulate parents into providing substantially more care than is optimal for their own fitness.
Vermeulen, A. D., & Evans, D. L. (2006). Measurements of fitness in thoroughbred racehorses using field studies of heart rate and velocity with a global positioning system. Equine Vet J Suppl, (36), 113–117.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Field based studies of changes in fitness are difficult to conduct in galloping Thoroughbreds. Measurements of heart rate (HR) and real time velocity with a global positioning system (GPS) could provide a method for routine field studies of fitness. OBJECTIVE: To investigate measurements of fitness in the field without using multiple, standardised steps of increasing velocity in the exercise test. METHODS: Twelve healthy 3- to 5-year-old Thoroughbreds were used in the study of reliability, and twelve 2-year-old Thoroughbreds in the investigation of the effect of training. Five second averages of velocity and HR were recorded during a typical fast exercise training session, using a GPS and Polar HR monitor. A standardised exercise test protocol was not used. Regression analyses using trot and gallop data were used to calculate velocities at HR of 200 beats/min (V200), and at maximal HR (VHRmax). Data were collected on consecutive 'fast' day training sessions to assess the reliability of measurements. The effect of training was investigated with fitness tests in weeks 2 and 6 of 'fast' training. Absolute and relative differences were calculated to evaluate reliability, and paired t tests were used to detect an effect of training. RESULTS: VHRmax, V200 and HRmax were reliable measurements of fitness, with mean differences of 2% or less. Reliability of VHRmax was not dependent on VHRmax. VHRmax and V200 both increased significantly with training (P<0.01), but there was no effect of training on HRmax. There were no significant changes in the slope or intercept of the regression equations after training. CONCLUSIONS: Velocity and HR measurements during field gallop exercise provided reliable measures of fitness which enabled a measurement of the response to training. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This approach offers a simple, noninvasive method for monitoring adaptations to training in the field.