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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Fox, N.A. Temperament and early experience form social behavior 2004 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 4131 1038 171-178 details   doi
Grandin, T. Safe handling of large animals 1999 Occupational Medicine (Philadelphia, Pa.) 3793 14 195-212 details   openurl
Stahl, F.; Dorner, G. Responses of salivary cortisol levels to stress-situations 1982 Endokrinologie 4056 80 158-162 details   openurl
Wich, S.A.; de Vries, H. Male monkeys remember which group members have given alarm calls 2006 Proceedings. Biological Sciences / The Royal Society 2816 273 735-740 details   doi
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