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Carroll, G.L.; Matthews, N.S.; Hartsfield, S.M.; Slater, M.R.; Champney, T.H.; Erickson, S.W. The effect of detomidine and its antagonism with tolazoline on stress-related hormones, metabolites, physiologic responses, and behavior in awake ponies 1997 Veterinary surgery : VS : the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons 96 26 69-77 details   openurl
Jablonska, E.M.; Ziolkowska, S.M.; Gill, J.; Szykula, R.; Faff, J. Changes in some haematological and metabolic indices in young horses during the first year of jump-training 1991 Equine Veterinary Journal 3801 23 309-311 details   openurl
Weik, H.; Altmann, H.J. [Behavior of blood lipids during fasting in the horse] 1971 Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe A 134 18 131-138 details   openurl
Weik, H.; Altmann, J. The effect of L(+)-lactate on rat and horse adipose tissue in vitro 1972 Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe A 132 19 514-518 details   openurl
Weik, H.; Lingk, W.; Altmann, H.J. [Behavior of individual fatty acids during in-vitro lipolysis and resynthesis in equine depot fat] 1972 Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe A 131 19 677-685 details   openurl
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