Judge, N. G. (1969). Transport of horses. Aust Vet J, 45(10), 465–469.
Parsons, K. J., & Wilson, A. M. (2006). The use of MP3 recorders to log data from equine hoof mounted accelerometers. Equine Vet J, 38(7), 675–680.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDy: MP3 recorders are readily available, small, lightweight and low cost, providing the potential for logging analogue hoof mounted accelerometer signals for the characterisation of equine locomotion. These, however, require testing in practice. OBJECTIVES: To test whether 1) multiple MP3 recorders can maintain synchronisation, giving the ability to synchronise independent recorders for the logging of multiple limbs simultaneously; and 2) features of a foot mounted accelerometer signal attributable to foot-on and foot-off can be accurately identified from horse foot mounted accelerometers logged directly into an MP3 recorder. METHODS: Three experiments were performed: 1) Maintenance of synchronisation was assessed by counting the number of samples recorded by each of 4 MP3 recorders while mounted on a trotting horse and over 2 consecutive 30 min periods in 8 recorders on a bench. 2) Foot-on and foot-off times obtained from manual transcription of MP3 logged data and directly logged accelerometer signal were compared. 3) MP3/accelerometer acquisition units were used to log accelerometer signals from racehorses during extended training sessions. RESULTS: Mean absolute error of synchronisation between MP3 recorders was 10 samples per million (compared to mean number of samples, range 1-32 samples per million). Error accumulation showed a linear correlation with time. Features attributable to foot on and foot off were equally identifiable from the MP3 recorded signal over a range of equine gaits. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple MP3 recorders can be synchronised and used as a relatively cheap, robust, reliable and accurate logging system when combined with an accelerometer and external battery for the specific application of the measurement of stride timing variables across the range of equine gaits during field locomotion. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Footfall timings can be used to identify intervals between the fore and hind contacts, the identification of diagonal advanced placement and to calculate stride timing variables (stance time, protraction time and stride time). These parameters are invaluable for the characterisation and assessment of equine locomotion.
Ryan, C. T., Schaer, B. L. D., & Nunamaker, D. M. (2006). A novel wireless data acquisition system for the measurement of hoof accelerations in the exercising horse. Equine Vet J, 38(7), 671–674.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: A device is needed to safely and wirelessly evaluate accelerations experienced by the horse hoof under a variety of surface conditions with the horse exercising at training or racing speeds. OBJECTIVES: To develop a miniaturised wireless data acquisition system (WDAS) which reliably records hoof accelerations and the times over which they occur in a minimally invasive manner in the exercising Thoroughbred. METHODS: The following criteria were set for device development: production of a lightweight and minimally invasive system, which provides an adequate acceleration range, appropriate frequency response to capture high speed events, and compatibility with a low power wireless telemetry system. Following device development, the WDAS was calibrated, and tested in 6 Thoroughbred horses over a variety of surfaces. RESULTS: Collection of acceleration in seven trials using 6 horses over a variety of surfaces resulted in repeatable acceleration data with respect to the overall characteristic shape of the impact profile. Impact accelerations varied with surface, ranging 34.8-191.7 g. Accelerations on take off were in a similar range, although higher in some trials. Peak impact accelerations tended to larger over the grass paddock surface, than either the indoor arena or the dirt track. During dirt track trials, accelerations on take-off were often comparably larger than those observed on impact within the same footfall. CONCLUSIONS: This study reports the development of a wireless system that successfully measures hoof acceleration in a minimally invasive manner over a variety of surface and exercise conditions. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The WDAS will be used in further studies to evaluate various components of the horse-racetrack interface, in an attempt to identify risk factors for musculoskeletal injury in the Thoroughbred racehorse.
Schaer, B. L. D., Ryan, C. T., Boston, R. C., & Nunamaker, D. M. (2006). The horse-racetrack interface: a preliminary study on the effect of shoeing on impact trauma using a novel wireless data acquisition system. Equine Vet J, 38(7), 664–670.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: There is a need to determine accelerations acting on the equine hoof under field conditions in order to better assess the risks for orthopaedic health associated with shoeing practices and/or surface conditions. OBJECTIVES: To measure the acceleration profiles generated in Thoroughbred racehorses exercising at high speeds over dirt racetracks and specifically to evaluate the effect of a toe grab shoe compared to a flat racing plate, using a newly developed wireless data acquisition system (WDAS). METHODS: Four Thoroughbred racehorses in training and racing were used. Based on previous trials, each horse served as its own control for speed trials, with shoe type as variable. Horses were evaluated at speeds ranging from 12.0-17.3 m/sec. Impact accelerations, acceleration on break over and take-off, and temporal stride parameters were calculated. Impact injury scores were also determined, using peak accelerations and the time over which they occurred. RESULTS: Recorded accelerations for the resultant vector (all horses all speeds) calculated from triaxial accelerometers ranged 96.3-251.1 g, depending on the phase of the impact event. An association was observed between shoe type and change in acceleration in individual horses, with 2 horses having increased g on initial impact with toe grab shoes in place. In the final impact phase, one horse had an increase of 110 g while wearing toe grab shoes. Increased accelerations were also observed on break over in 2 horses while wearing toe grab shoes. CONCLUSIONS: Shoe type may change impact accelerations significantly in an individual horse and could represent increased risk for injury. Further work is needed to determine if trends exist across a population. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The WDAS could be used for performance evaluation in individual horses to evaluate any component of the horse-performance surface interface, with the goal of minimising risk and optimising performance.
Van Schaik, C. (2006). Why are some animals so smart? Sci Am, 294(4), 64–71.