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Carter, C.; Greening, L. Auditory stimulation of the stabled equine; the effect of different music genres on behaviour 5745 details   url
Gifford, A.K.; Cloutier, S.; Newberry, R.C. Objects as enrichment: Effects of object exposure time and delay interval on object recognition memory of the domestic pig 2007 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2892 107 206-217 details   doi
Henderson, J.V.; Warant, N.K. Reducing Equine Stereotypies Using an Equiball 2001 Animal Welfare 2011 10 73-80 details   url
Jørgensen, G.H.M.; Liestøl, S.H.-O.; Bøe, K.E. Effects of enrichment items on activity and social interactions in domestic horses (Equus caballus) 2011 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5320 129 100-110 details   doi
Jørgensen, G.H.M.; Liestøl, S.H.-O.; Bøe, K.E. Effects of enrichment items on activity and social interactions in domestic horses (Equus caballus) 2011 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6604 129 100-110 details   doi
Koistinen, T.; Korhonen, H.T.; Hämäläinen, E.; Mononen, J. Blue foxes' (Vulpes lagopus) motivation to gain access and interact with various resources 2016 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6166 176 105-111 details   doi
Löckener, S.; Reese, S.; Erhard, M.; Wöhr, A.-C. Pasturing in herds after housing in horseboxes induces a positive cognitive bias in horses 2016 Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 6024 11 50-55 details   doi
Meehan, C.L.; Mench, J.A. The challenge of challenge: Can problem solving opportunities enhance animal welfare? 2007 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2890 102 246-261 details   url
Thorne, J.B.; Goodwin, D.; Kennedy, M.J.; Davidson, H.P.B.; Harris, P. Foraging enrichment for individually housed horses: Practicality and effects on behaviour 2005 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 333 94 149-164 details   doi
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