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Albentosa, M.J.; Kjaer, J.B.; Nicol, C.J. Strain and age differences in behaviour, fear response and pecking tendency in laying hens 2003 British poultry science 80 44 333-344 details   openurl
Aureli, F.; de Waal, F.B. Inhibition of social behavior in chimpanzees under high-density conditions 1997 American journal of primatology 203 41 213-228 details   doi
Benhajali, H.; Richard-Yris, M. -A.; Leroux, M.; Ezzaouia, M.; Charfi, F.; Hausberger, M. A note on the time budget and social behaviour of densely housed horses: A case study in Arab breeding mares 2008 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 4774 112 196-200 details   doi
Burton, A.C.; Neilson, E.; Moreira, D.; Ladle, A.; Steenweg, R.; Fisher, J.T.; Bayne, E.; Boutin, S. REVIEW: Wildlife camera trapping: a review and recommendations for linking surveys to ecological processes 2015 Journal of Applied Ecology 6703 52 675-685 details   doi
Cancedda, M. [Social and behavioral organization of horses on the Giara (Sardinia): distribution and aggregation] 1990 Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale 673 66 1089-1096 details   openurl
Capela, R.; Sousa, C.; Pena, I.; Caeiro, V. Preliminary note on the distribution and ecology of Culicoides imicola in Portugal 1993 Medical and Veterinary Entomology 2666 7 23-26 details   openurl
Conradt, L.; Roper, T.J. Group decision-making in animals 2003 Nature 5136 421 155-158 details   doi
de Waal, F.B.; Aureli, F.; Judge, P.G. Coping with crowding 2000 Scientific American 184 282 76-81 details   openurl
Dubois, F.; Giraldeau, L.-A. The forager's dilemma: food sharing and food defense as risk-sensitive foraging options 2003 The American Naturalist 2132 162 768-779 details   openurl
Dumont, B.; Rossignol, N.; Loucougaray, G.; Carrère, P.; Chadoeuf, J.; Fleurance, G.; Bonis, A.; Farruggia, A.; Gaucherand, S.; Ginane, C.; Louault, F.; Marion, B.; Mesléard, F.; Yavercovski, N. When does grazing generate stable vegetation patterns in temperate pastures? 2012 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 5595 153 50-56 details   doi
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