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Abramson, J.Z.; Hernández-Lloreda, V.; Call, J.; Colmenares, F. Experimental evidence for action imitation in killer whales (Orcinus orca) 2013 5695 16 11-22 details   doi
Adelman, M.; Knijnik, J. Gender and Equestrian Sport 2013 6389 details   doi
Allen, C. Assessing animal cognition: ethological and philosophical perspectives 1998 Journal of Animal Science 2750 76 42-47 details   openurl
Bering, J.M. A critical review of the “enculturation hypothesis”: the effects of human rearing on great ape social cognition 2004 Animal Cognition 2543 7 201-212 details   doi
Biro, D.; Inoue-Nakamura, N.; Tonooka, R.; Yamakoshi, G.; Sousa, C.; Matsuzawa, T. Cultural innovation and transmission of tool use in wild chimpanzees: evidence from field experiments 2003 Animal Cognition 2560 6 213-223 details   doi
Boyd, R.; Richerson, P.J. Why does culture increase human adaptability? 1995 Ethology and Sociobiology 4196 16 125-143 details   doi
Cambefort, J.P. A comparative study of culturally transmitted patterns of feeding habits in the chacma baboon Papio ursinus and the vervet monkey Cercopithecus aethiops 1981 Folia Primatologica; International Journal of Primatology 2087 36 243-263 details   openurl
Cohen, J. Animal behavior. The world through a chimp's eyes 2007 Science (New York, N.Y.) 2832 316 44-45 details   doi
Crosby, M.B.; Zhang, J.; Nowling, T.M.; Svenson, J.L.; Nicol, C.J.; Gonzalez, F.J.; Gilkeson, G.S. Inflammatory modulation of PPAR gamma expression and activity 2006 Clinical immunology 67 118 276-283 details   doi
Curtis, S.E.; Stricklin, W.R. The importance of animal cognition in agricultural animal production systems: an overview 1991 Journal of Animal Science 2754 69 5001-5007 details   openurl
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