Atwill, E. R., Mohammed, H. O., & Lopez, J. W. (1996). Evaluation of travel and use as a risk factor for seropositivity to Ehrlichia risticii in horses of New York state. Am J Vet Res, 57(3), 272–277.
Abstract: OBJECTIVES--To determine whether mean annual frequency and destination of equine travel was associated with exposure to Ehrlichia risticii and whether these associations were modified by horses' place of residence. DESIGN--Cross-sectional study. SAMPLE POPULATION--511 equine operations containing 2,587 horses were visited in New York state from a target population of 39,000 operations. PROCEDURE--Each horse was tested for serum antibodies against E risticii, using indirect fluorescent antibody. Information on the horse's travel history, farm's management practices, and surrounding ecology was obtained by personal interview and resource maps. Statistical analyses were performed on 2 cohorts of animals: all horses enrolled in the study and horses born on the property or that resided at least 4 years on the farm. Three county-based risk regions (RR) were identified by use of cluster analysis. RESULTS--Mean seroprevalence for each of the 3 RR was 2.4 (low risk), 8.5 (moderate risk), and 18.5% (high risk) for cohort 1 and 2.5, 8.0, and 18.4% for cohort 2. Among cohorts 1 and 2, pleasure riding and breeding trips were associated with exposure to E risticii, but horse residence (low, moderate, or high RR) was an effect modifier for these associations. Among cohort 1 and stratifying the analysis according to the RR for the travel destination, trail riding at low RR and trail riding at high RR were associated with exposure. Among cohort 2 and stratifying the analysis according to the RR for the travel destination, breeding trips were associated with exposure, and strong effect modification was present for horse residence (low, moderate, or high RR). CONCLUSIONS--Only certain types of travel to specific RR were associated with higher risk of exposure to E risticii. In many instances, travel was not associated, or was associated, with a reduced risk of exposure.
Heitkamp, H. C., Horstmann, T., & Hillgeris, D. (1998). [Riding injuries and injuries due to handling horses in experienced riders]. Unfallchirurg, 101(2), 122–128.
Abstract: A group of experienced riders who qualified for the German riding badge 9.5 years ago answered a questionnaire pertaining to injuries during jumping, dressage and cross-country riding, as well as handling the horse. During riding 69% of the persons had had 187 injuries and while handling the horse 52% had had 124 injuries. Fractures and contusions were the most-frequent injuries; most riding injuries were located in the upper extremities and shoulder while handling mainly in the hands and feet. The number of injuries was comparable in jumping, dressage or cross-country riding. The time engaged in jumping was about one-third of the other types of riding, but the injuries were more severe. While handling the horse the number of injuries relative to the time spent during the activity were higher but less complicated. No change in safety precautions had been implemented by 67% of the persons injured. The injury rate for equestrians is relatively low both in handling the horse and during riding. The frequent fractures and contusions may be reduced by following the required safety regulations.
Jonsson, H., & Egenvall, A. (2006). Prevalence of gastric ulceration in Swedish Standardbreds in race training. Equine Vet J, 38(3), 209–213.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: There is little information about the prevalence of gastric ulcers in Standardbred trotters and potential correlations between ulcers and various traits, e.g. age, sex, performance, temperament and feeding regimens, need further elucidation. OBJECTIVES: The prevalence of ulcers in the gastric squamous mucosa of Swedish Standardbreds was estimated and the associations between ulcer score and age, sex, performance, temperament and feeding regimens were determined. METHODS: Eighty Swedish Standardbreds in active race training, trained by 9 different trainers, underwent gastroscopy. Information on age, gender, status of training, performance over the last 4 months compared with the trainer's expectations before that period, behaviour, eating habits, feed type, bedding type, time spent outdoors per day and medical treatment during the last month was collected. Gastroscopy was performed and lesions in the squamous gastric mucosa were scored from 0 to 4 (0 = no lesions; 4 = > 5 lesions with haemorrhage, > 10 lesions with no haemorrhage, or a large area of diffuse loss of surface epithelium). RESULTS: Twenty-four (30%) of the horses had no lesions in the squamous mucosa, 22 (27.5%) had a score of 1; 21 (26.2%) score 2; 9 (11.2%) score 3; and 4 (5%) score 4. Horses that were in preparatory training and those that had raced during the last month were significantly more affected than horses that were fit for racing but had not raced during the last month, using a logistic regression model with trainer incorporated as a random effect. CONCLUSIONS: The study confirmed a high prevalence of ulcers in the gastric squamous mucosa of Standardbreds in race training. Of the studied parameters only status of training showed a significant association with gastric ulcers of the squamous mucosa. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Gastric ulceration is a common disease and diagnosis should be made by endoscopic examination of the gastric mucosa, since parameters such as age, gender, performance, behaviour, eating habits provide only weak clues as to which horses might be affected. Further studies are needed to determine the aetiology of the syndrome and to find ways to reduce, if possible, the frequency of gastric ulcers.
Peltzer, K., Mabilu, M. G., Mathoho, S. F., Nekhwevha, A. P., Sikhwivhilu, T., & Sinthumule, T. S. (2006). Trauma history and severity of gambling involvement among horse-race gamblers in a South African gambling setting. Psychol Rep, 99(2), 472–476.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to ascertain the frequency of gambling involvement and the prevalence of problem gambling among horse race gamblers and to discover whether problem gambling in this sample is associated with a history of trauma. Among a sample of 266 South African horse-race gamblers (94% men and 6% women, Mage 46.8 yr., SD = 13.9, range 18-85 years), 31.2% were classified as probable pathological gamblers and 19.9% with problem gambling. Major weekly gambling activities included racetrack betting (82%), purchase of lottery tickets or scratch tickets (35%), purchase of sports lottery tickets (23%), and using casino type games (18%). Trauma history was significantly associated with gambling severity.
Romano, N., Vitale, F., Alesi, D. R., Bonura, F., La Licata, R., Intonazzo, V., et al. (1992). The changing pattern of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection in intravenous drug users. Results of a six-year seroprevalence study in Palermo, Italy. Am J Epidemiol, 135(11), 1189–1196.
Abstract: A cross-sectional seroepidemiologic study was carried out between 1985 and 1990 in 1,567 heterosexual intravenous drug users who had been seen at the AIDS Regional Reference Center in Palermo, Italy, to evaluate the rate of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) seroprevalence in this group and its long-term trend. Sixty serum samples collected from drug users in 1980 and 1983, before the founding of the Center (1985), were tested as well. Some demographic and behavioral risk factors were studied in a subgroup of intravenous drug users enrolled in 1985, 1987, and 1990 for their possible association with HIV-1. These factors were also studied in relation to hepatitis B virus infection, since both viruses share the same modes of spread. These drug users had a higher prevalence of markers for hepatitis B virus than of HIV-1 antibodies, and the prevalence rates in sera collected declined over time for both infections. The presence of both antibodies to HIV-1 and markers for hepatitis B virus was independently associated with the age of the drug user, the duration of drug use, and the year of serum collection. Antibodies to HIV-1 were observed more frequently in females than in males. No relation was found between education or employment status and the presence of HIV-1 antibodies or hepatitis B virus markers. Although new HIV-1 infections still occur, the decline in seroprevalence observed at the end of the 1980s might be related to modifications in social behavior among newer drug users, partial exhaustion of the susceptible population, and increasing risk awareness in more experienced users.