Christensen, H. A., & Herrer, A. (1973). Attractiveness of sentinel animals to vectors of leishmaniasis in Panama. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 22(5), 578–584.
Etienne, A. S., Maurer, R., & Seguinot, V. (1996). Path integration in mammals and its interaction with visual landmarks. J Exp Biol, 199(Pt 1), 201–209.
Abstract: During locomotion, mammals update their position with respect to a fixed point of reference, such as their point of departure, by processing inertial cues, proprioceptive feedback and stored motor commands generated during locomotion. This so-called path integration system (dead reckoning) allows the animal to return to its home, or to a familiar feeding place, even when external cues are absent or novel. However, without the use of external cues, the path integration process leads to rapid accumulation of errors involving both the direction and distance of the goal. Therefore, even nocturnal species such as hamsters and mice rely more on previously learned visual references than on the path integration system when the two types of information are in conflict. Recent studies investigate the extent to which path integration and familiar visual cues cooperate to optimize the navigational performance.
Franceschini, C., Siutz, C., Palme, R., & Millesi, E. (2007). Seasonal changes in cortisol and progesterone secretion in Common hamsters. Gen Comp Endocrinol, 152(1), 14–21.
Abstract: In this study, we investigated endocrine factors and behaviour in free-living Common hamsters (Cricetus cricetus) during reproductive and non-reproductive periods of the annual cycle. We applied a non-invasive method to gain information on seasonal changes in adrenocortical activity in male and female hamsters by analysing faecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations (FCM). In addition, plasma progesterone concentrations were monitored in females throughout the non-hibernation season. The animals were live-trapped from spring emergence until the onset of hibernation in autumn. Reproductive status was determined at capture and blood and faecal samples were collected. During behavioural observations, agonistic and sexual interactions were recorded. FCM concentrations were significantly higher in males than in females during the reproductive period. In males, a pronounced increase in FCM during the reproductive period coincided with high frequencies of intrasexual aggression. In females, FCM levels remained relatively constant. Aggressive behaviour in females increased during the reproductive period, but was much less frequent than in males. Females, which successfully raised a second litter after a postpartum oestrus and concurrent lactation and gestation had lower FCM levels than individuals, which lost their second litter after parturition. As expected, plasma progesterone concentrations were low before and after the reproductive period. During gestation, levels peaked and remained elevated during lactation. The results of this field study provide insight in critical periods associated with reproduction in male and female Common hamsters.
Hare, J. F., Sealy, S. G., Underwood, T. J., Ellison, K. S., & Stewart, R. L. M. (2003). Evidence of self-referent phenotype matching revisited: airing out the armpit effect. Anim. Cogn., 6(1), 65–68.
Mateo, J. M., & Johnston, R. E. (2003). Kin recognition by self-referent phenotype matching: weighing the evidence. Anim. Cogn., 6(1), 73–76.
Scherer, W. F., & Dickerman, R. W. (1972). Ecologic studies of Venezuelan encephalitis virus in southeastern Mexico. 8. Correlations and conclusions. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 21(2), 86–89.
Scherer, W. F., Dickerman, R. W., & Ordonez, J. V. (1970). Discovery and geographic distribution of Venezuelan encephalitis virus in Guatemala, Honduras, and British Honduras during 1965-68, and its possible movement to Central America and Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 19(4), 703–711.
Scherer, W. F., Madalengoitia, J., Flores, W., & Acosta, M. (1975). Ecologic studies of Venezuelan encephalitis virus in Peru during 1970-1971. Am J Epidemiol, 101(4), 347–355.
Abstract: Venezuelan encephalitis (VE) virus has intermittently produced epidemics and equine epizootics on the dry Pacific coastal plain of Peru since at least the 1930's. However, evidence that the virus exists in the Amazon region of Peru to the east of the Andes mountains was not obtained until antibodies were found in human sera collected in 1965, and 10 strains of the virus were isolated in a forest near the city of Iquitos, Peru during February and March 1971. Eight strains came from mosquitoes and two from dead sentinel hamsters. Three hamsters exposed in forests near Iquitos developed VE virus antibodies suggesting that hamster-benign strains also exist there. Antibody tests of equine sera revealed no evidence that VE virus was actively cycling during the late 1950's or 1960's in southern coastal Peru, where equine epizootics had occurred in the 1930's and 1940's. In northern coastal Peru bordering Ecuador, antibodies were present in equine sera, presumably residual from the 1969 outbreak caused by subtype I virus, since neutralizing antibody titers were higher to subtype I virus than to subtypes III or IV. No VE virus was detected in this northern region during the dry season of 1970 by use of sentinel hamsters. The possibility is considered that VE epidemics and equine epizootics on the Pacific coast of Peru are caused by movements of virus in infected vertebrates traversing Andean passes or in infected vertebrates or mosquitoes carried in airplanes from the Amazon region.
Shettleworth, S. J. (1978). Reinforcement and the organization of behavior in golden hamsters: Pavlovian conditioning with food and shock unconditioned stimuli. J Exp Psychol Anim Behav Process, 4(2), 152–169.
Abstract: The effects of Pavlovian conditioned stimuli (CSs) for food or shock on a variety of behaviors of golden hamsters were observed in three experiments. The aim was to see whether previously reported differences among the behaviors produced by food reinforcement and punishment procedures could be accounted for by differential effects of Pavlovian conditioning on the behaviors. There was some correspondence between the behaviors observed to the CSs and the previously reported effects of instrumental training. However, the Pavlovian conditioned responses (CRs) alone would not have predicted the effects of instrumental training. Moreover, CRs depended to some extent on the context in which training and testing occurred. These findings, together with others in the literature, suggest that the results of Pavlovian conditioning procedures may not unambiguously predict what system of behaviors will be most readily modified by instrumental training with a given reinforcer.
Shettleworth, S. J., & Juergensen, M. R. (1980). Reinforcement and the organization of behavior in golden hamsters: brain stimulation reinforcement for seven action patterns. J Exp Psychol Anim Behav Process, 6(4), 352–375.
Abstract: Golden hamsters were reinforced with intracranial electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus (ICS) for spending time engaging in one of seven topographically defined action patterns (APs). The stimulation used as reinforcer elicited hoarding and/or feeding and supported high rates of bar pressing. In Experiment 1, hamsters were reinforced successively for digging, open rearing, and face washing. Digging increased most in time spent, and face washing increased least. Experiments 2-5 examined these effects further and also showed that “scrabbling,” like digging, was performed a large proportion of the time, almost without interruption, for contingent ICS but that scratching the body with a hindleg and scent-marking showed relatively little effect of contingent ICS, the latter even in an environment that facilitated marking. In Experiment 6, naive hamsters received ICS not contingent on behavior every 30 sec (fixed-time 30-sec schedule). Terminal behaviors that developed on this schedule were APs that were easy to reinforce in the other experiments, but a facultative behavior, face washing, was one not so readily reinforced. Experiment 7 confirmed a novel prediction from Experiment 6--that wall rearing, a terminal AP, would be performed at a high level for contingent ICS. All together, the results point to both motivational factors and associative factors being involved in the considerable differences in performance among different reinforced activities.