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Anderson, M.K.; Friend, T.H.; Evans, J.W.; Bushong, D.M. Behavioral assessment of horses in therapeutic riding programs 1999 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 4812 63 11-24 details   doi
Aurich, J.; Wulf, M.; Ille, N.; Erber, R.; von Lewinski, M.; Palme, R.; Aurich, C. Effects of season, age, sex and housing on salivary cortisol concentrations in horses 2015 Domestic Animal Endocrinology 5847 details   doi
Ayala, I.; Martos, N.F.; Silvan, G.; Gutierrez-Panizo, C.; Clavel, J.G.; Illera, J.C. Cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone, serotonin, adrenaline and noradrenaline serum concentrations in relation to disease and stress in the horse 2012 Research in Veterinary Science 5935 93 103-107 details   doi
Batt, L.S.; Batt, M.S.; Baguley, J.A.; McGreevy, P.D. The relationships between motor lateralization, salivary cortisol concentrations and behavior in dogs 2009 Journal of Veterinary Behaviour 5383 4 216-222 details   doi
Carlsson, H.-E.; Lyberg, K.; Royo, F.; Hau, J. Quantification of stress sensitive markers in single fecal samples do not accurately predict excretion of these in the pig 2007 Research in Veterinary Science 5853 82 423-428 details   doi
Cerasoli, F.; Podaliri Vulpiani, M.; Saluti, G.; Conte, A.; Ricci, M.; Savini, G.; D'Alterio, N. Assessment of Welfare in Groups of Horses with Different Management, Environments and Activities by Measuring Cortisol in Horsehair, Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Hybrid Orbitrap High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry 2022 Animals 6674 12 details   doi
Dalmau, A.; Ferret, A.; Chacon, G.; Manteca, X. Seasonal Changes in Fecal Cortisol Metabolites in Pyrenean Chamois 2007 Journal of Wildlife Management 4254 71 190-194 details   doi
Dreschel, N.A.; Granger, D.A. Methods of collection for salivary cortisol measurement in dogs 2009 Hormones and Behavior 5560 55 163-168 details   doi
Erber, R.; Wulf, M.; Aurich, J.; Becker-Birck, M.; Rose-Meierhöfer, S.; Möstl, E.; Hoffmann, G.; Aurich, C. Physiological stress parameters in sport horse mares transferred from group housing to individual stabling 2012 Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting 5542 in press details   pdf openurl
Flauger, B. The introduction of horses into new social groups with special regard to their stress level 2011 5736 details   url
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