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Anderson, J.R.; Kuroshima, H.; Kuwahata, H.; Fujita, K. Do squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) predict that looking leads to touching? 2004 Animal Cognition 2540 7 185-192 details   doi
Bovet, D.; Vauclair, J.; Blaye, A. Categorization and abstraction abilities in 3-year-old children: a comparison with monkey data 2005 Animal Cognition 2516 8 53-59 details   doi
Call, J. Inferences by exclusion in the great apes: the effect of age and species 2006 Animal Cognition 2444 9 393-403 details   doi
Call, J.; Brauer, J.; Kaminski, J.; Tomasello, M. Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) are sensitive to the attentional state of humans 2003 Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983) 713 117 257-263 details   doi
Call, J.; Carpenter, M.; Tomasello, M. Copying results and copying actions in the process of social learning: chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and human children (Homo sapiens) 2005 Animal Cognition 2504 8 151-163 details   doi
Cheney, D.L.; Seyfarth, R.M. The representation of social relations by monkeys 1990 Cognition 702 37 167-196 details   openurl
Cheney, D.L.; Seyfarth, R.M.; Silk, J.B. The responses of female baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) to anomalous social interactions: evidence for causal reasoning? 1995 Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983) 348 109 134-141 details   openurl
Cleveland, A.; Rocca, A.M.; Wendt, E.L.; Westergaard, G.C. Transport of tools to food sites in tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) 2004 Animal Cognition 2539 7 193-198 details   doi
Evans, T.A.; Westergaard, G.C. Discrimination of functionally appropriate and inappropriate throwing tools by captive tufted capuchins (Cebus apella) 2004 Animal Cognition 2523 7 255-262 details   doi
Flannery, B. Relational discrimination learning in horses 1997 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 3557 54 267-280 details   doi
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