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Górecka-Bruzda, A.; Jastrzebska, E.; Sosnowska, Z.; Jaworski, Z.; Jezierski, T.; Chruszczewski, M.H. Reactivity to humans and fearfulness tests: Field validation in Polish Cold Blood Horses Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5395 In Press, Corrected Proof details   doi
Graham, M.; Letz, R. Within-species variation in the development of ultrasonic signaling of preweanling rats 1979 Developmental Psychobiology 4172 12 129-136 details   doi
Zeitler-Feicht, M.H. [Critical consideration of the “Guideline for the Evaluation of Raising Horses” and keeping horses outside in the winter] 2004 DTW. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 1900 111 120-123 details   openurl
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