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Cheng, K.; Wignall, A.E. Honeybees (Apis mellifera) holding on to memories: response competition causes retroactive interference effects 2006 Animal Cognition 2477 9 141-150 details   doi
Griffin, D.R. Animals know more than we used to think 2001 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2823 98 4833-4834 details   doi
Hampton, R.R. Rhesus monkeys know when they remember 2001 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2824 98 5359-5362 details   doi
Nyman, S.; Dahlborn, K. Effect of water supply method and flow rate on drinking behavior and fluid balance in horses 2001 Physiology & Behavior 1919 73 1-8 details   openurl
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