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Bovet, D.; Vauclair, J.; Blaye, A. Categorization and abstraction abilities in 3-year-old children: a comparison with monkey data 2005 Animal Cognition 2516 8 53-59 details   doi
Hayashi, M.; Matsuzawa, T. Cognitive development in object manipulation by infant chimpanzees 2003 Animal Cognition 2559 6 225-233 details   doi
Krzeminska, W. [The child learns about the world] 1979 Pielegniarka i polozna 43 24-25 details   openurl
Meyer, W.; Pakur, M. [Remarks on the domestic dog as an object of instruction for the education of the developing child] 1999 Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 4155 112 131-138 details   openurl
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