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Hodgson, D.; Howe, S.; Jeffcott, L.; Reid, S.; Mellor, D.; Higgins, A. Effect of prolonged use of altrenogest on behaviour in mares 2005 Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997) 671 169 113-115 details   doi
Houpt, T.R.; Houpt, K.A. Nitrogen conservation by ponies fed a low -protein ration 1971 American journal of veterinary research 62 32 579-588 details   openurl
Jeong, S.; Han, M.; Lee, H.; Kim, M.; Kim, J.; Nicol, C.J.; Kim, B.H.; Choi, J.H.; Nam, K.-H.; Oh, G.T.; Yoon, M. Effects of fenofibrate on high-fat diet-induced body weight gain and adiposity in female C57BL/6J mice 2004 Metabolism: clinical and experimental 72 53 1284-1289 details   openurl
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