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Aureli, F.; Preston, S.D.; de Waal, F.B. Heart rate responses to social interactions in free-moving rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta): a pilot study 1999 Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983) 197 113 59-65 details   openurl
Call, J. A fish-eye lens for comparative studies: broadening the scope of animal cognition 2002 Animal Cognition 2616 5 15-16 details   doi
De Boyer Des Roches, A.; Richard-Yris, M.-A.; Henry, S.; Ezzaouia, M.; Hausberger, M. Laterality and emotions: visual laterality in the domestic horse (Equus caballus) differs with objects' emotional value 2008 Physiology & Behavior 4762 94 487-490 details   doi
Dorrance, B.R.; Zentall, T.R. Imitation of conditional discriminations in pigeons (Columba livia) 2002 Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983) 240 116 277-285 details   openurl
Franceschini, C.; Siutz, C.; Palme, R.; Millesi, E. Seasonal changes in cortisol and progesterone secretion in Common hamsters 2007 General and Comparative Endocrinology 4076 152 14-21 details   doi
Ganswindt, A.; Palme, R.; Heistermann, M.; Borragan, S.; Hodges, J.K. Non-invasive assessment of adrenocortical function in the male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and its relation to musth 2003 General and Comparative Endocrinology 4085 134 156-166 details   openurl
Goto, K.; Wills, A.J.; Lea, S.E.G. Global-feature classification can be acquired more rapidly than local-feature classification in both humans and pigeons 2004 Animal Cognition 2530 7 109-113 details   doi
Grandin, T. Safe handling of large animals 1999 Occupational Medicine (Philadelphia, Pa.) 3793 14 195-212 details   openurl
Houpt, K.A. Why horse behaviour is important to the equine clinician 2006 Equine veterinary journal 30 38 386-387 details   openurl
Howard, R.W.; Blomquist, G.J. Ecological, behavioral, and biochemical aspects of insect hydrocarbons 2005 Annual Review of Entomology 4650 50 371-393 details   doi
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