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Blaisdell, A.P.; Sawa, K.; Leising, K.J.; Waldmann, M.R. Causal reasoning in rats 2006 Science (New York, N.Y.) 154 311 1020-1022 details   doi
Thompson, J.A.; Brown, S.E. 2nd; Riddle, W.T.; Seahorn, J.C.; Cohen, N.D. Use of a Bayesian risk-mapping technique to estimate spatial risks for mare reproductive loss syndrome in Kentucky 2005 American Journal of Veterinary Research 2630 66 17-20 details   openurl
Uehara, T.; Yokomizo, H.; Iwasa, Y. Mate-choice copying as Bayesian decision making 2005 The American naturalist 1821 165 403-410 details   doi
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