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Linklater, W.L.; Cameron, E.Z.; Stafford, K.J.; Veltman, C.J. Social and spatial structure and range use by Kaimanawa wild horses (Equus caballus: Equidae) 2000 New Zealand Journal of Ecology 793 24 139-152 details   url
McDonnell, S.M.; Haviland, J.C.S. Agonistic ethogram of the equid bachelor band 1995 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 749 43 147-188 details   doi
Wolter, R.; Pantel, N.; Stefanski, V.; Möstl, E.; Krueger, K. The role of an alpha animal in changing environmental conditions 2014 Physiology & Behavior 5818 133 236-243 details   doi
Zharkikh, T.L.; Andersen, L. Behaviour of Bachelor Males of the Przewalski Horse (Equus ferus przewalskii) at the Reserve Askania Nova 2009 Der Zoologische Garten 5098 78 282-299 details   doi
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