Altmann, H. J., Hertel, J., & Drepper, K. (1970). [Nutritional physiology of the horse. 3. Protein values in the gastrointestinal tract of slaughtered horses]. Z Tierphysiol Tierernahr Futtermittelkd, 26(5), 245–252.
Boray, J. C. (1969). Experimental fascioliasis in Australia. Adv Parasitol, 7, 95–210.
Dixon, G., Green, L. E., & Nicol, C. J. (2006). Effect of diet change on the behavior of chicks of an egg-laying strain. J Appl Anim Welf Sci, 9(1), 41–58.
Abstract: Injurious pecking has serious welfare consequences in flocks of hens kept for egg laying, especially when loose-housed. Frequent diet change is a significant risk for injurious pecking; how the mechanics of diet change influence pecking behavior is unknown. This study investigated the effect of diet change on the behavior of chicks from a laying strain. The study included a 3-week familiarity phase: 18 chick pairs received unflavored feed (Experiment 1); 18 pairs received orange oil-flavored (Experiment 2). All chicks participated in a dietary preference test (P); a diet change (DC); or a control group (C), 6 scenarios. All P chicks preferred unflavored feed. In Experiment 1, DC involved change from unflavored to orange-flavored; Experiment 2, orange- flavored to unflavored. Compared with controls, Experiment 2 DC chicks exhibited few behavioral differences; Experiment 1 DC chicks exhibited increased behavioral event rates on Days 1 and 7. They pecked significantly longer at their environment; by Day 7, they showed significantly more beak activity. There was little evidence of dietary neophobia. Change from more preferred to less preferred feed led to increased activity and redirected pecking behavior.
Hertel, J., Altmann, H. J., & Drepper, K. (1970). [Nutritional physiology studies of the horse. II. Raw nutrient studies of the gastrointestinal tract of slaughtered horses]. Z Tierphysiol Tierernahr Futtermittelkd, 26(3), 169–174.
Nelson, W. A., Keirans, J. E., Bell, J. F., & Clifford, C. M. (1975). Host-ectoparasite relationships. J Med Entomol, 12(2), 143–166.
Ordakowski-Burk, A. L., Quinn, R. W., Shellem, T. A., & Vough, L. R. (2006). Voluntary intake and digestibility of reed canarygrass and timothy hay fed to horses. J. Anim Sci., 84(11), 3104–3109.
Abstract: Thousands of hectares of timothy (Phleum pretense L.) grown in the Mid-Atlantic region are infected by cereal rust mite (Abacarus hysterix) that causes discoloration and curling of leaves, decreased nutritional quality, and substantial decreases in yield. A decline in production of timothy hay can lower income for hay producers and cause horse owners to search for alternative hays. Low alkaloid reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) hay has potential as an alternative to timothy hay because it grows well in the Mid-Atlantic region, is believed to have a similar nutrient quality to timothy, and is not as susceptible to cereal rust mite. Eleven mature, stalled Thoroughbred geldings (549 +/- 12.1 kg) that were exercised daily were used to compare voluntary DMI and apparent nutrient DM digestibility of timothy and low-alkaloid Chiefton variety reed canarygrass hay. Horses were paired by age and BW and randomly assigned to timothy or reed canarygrass hay during a 14-d period to measure voluntary DMI followed by a 4-d period to measure apparent DM digestibility. Both hays met the minimum requirements for DE, CP, Ca, P, K, Fe, and Mn, but they did not meet the minimum requirements for Cu, Zn, and Na for horses at maintenance and averaging 550 kg of BW. Timothy hay seemed to have a lower CP concentration (14.4%) compared with reed canarygrass hay (17.1%) and a more desirable Ca:P ratio at 1.6:1 compared with 0.8:1 for reed canarygrass hay. Horses fed timothy consumed more hay (P <0.001) during the voluntary DMI period compared with horses fed reed canarygrass. Greater voluntary DMI of timothy occurred on d 1, 3, and 5 (P <0.05), but DMI was similar for other days. Apparent DM digestibility was greater in horses fed timothy hay by 9.6% compared with horses fed reed canarygrass hay (P <0.05). Horses fed timothy had greater DM digestibility of ADF (P = 0.001), NDF (P = 0.001), sugar (P = 0.05), and Ca (P = 0.001) but lower apparent DM digestibility of CP (P = 0.012) and crude fat (P = 0.004). Timothy hay was superior in voluntary DMI and apparent DM digestibility compared with low-alkaloid reed canarygrass hay fed to horses.
Selby, L. A., Marienfeld, C. J., & Pierce, J. O. (1970). The effects of trace elements on human and animal health. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 157(11), 1800–1808.
Smith, D. G., & Pearson, R. A. (2005). A review of the factors affecting the survival of donkeys in semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Trop Anim Health Prod, 37 Suppl 1, 1–19.
Abstract: The large fluctuations seen in cattle populations during periods of drought in sub-Saharan Africa are not evident in the donkey population. Donkeys appear to have a survival advantage over cattle that is increasingly recognized by smallholder farmers in their selection of working animals. The donkey's survival advantages arise from both socioeconomic and biological factors. Socioeconomic factors include the maintenance of a low sustainable population of donkeys owing to their single-purpose role and their low social status. Also, because donkeys are not usually used as a meat animal and can provide a regular income as a working animal, they are not slaughtered in response to drought, as are cattle. Donkeys have a range of physiological and behavioural adaptations that individually provide small survival advantages over cattle but collectively may make a large difference to whether or not they survive drought. Donkeys have lower maintenance costs as a result of their size and spend less energy while foraging for food; lower energy costs result in a lower dry matter intake (DMI) requirement. In donkeys, low-quality diets are digested almost as efficiently as in ruminants and, because of a highly selective feeding strategy, the quality of diet obtained by donkeys in a given pasture is higher than that obtained by cattle. Lower energy costs of walking, longer foraging times per day and ability to tolerate thirst may allow donkeys to access more remote, under-utilized sources of forage that are inaccessible to cattle on rangeland. As donkeys become a more popular choice of working animal for farmers, specific management practices need to be devised that allow donkeys to fully maximize their natural survival advantages.
Staniar, W. B., Kronfeld, D. S., Hoffman, R. M., Wilson, J. A., & Harris, P. A. (2004). Weight prediction from linear measures of growing Thoroughbreds. Equine Vet J, 36(2), 149–154.
Abstract: REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Monitoring weight of foals is a useful management practice to aid in maximising athletic potential while minimising risks associated with deviations from normal growth. OBJECTIVE: To develop predictive equations for weight, based on linear measurements of growing Thoroughbreds (TBs). METHODS: Morphometric equations predicting weight from measurements of the trunk and legs were developed from data of 153 foals. The accuracy, precision and bias of the best fitting equation were compared to published equations using a naive data set of 22 foals. RESULTS: Accuracy and precision were maximised with a broken line relating calculated volumes (V(t + l)) to measured weights. Use of the broken line is a 2 step process. V(t + l) is calculated from linear measures (m) of girth (G), carpus circumference (C), and length of body (B) and left forelimb (F). V(t + I) = ([G2 x B] + 4[C2 x F]) 4pi. If V(t + l) < 0.27 m3, weight is estimated: Weight (kg) = V(t + l) x 1093. If V(t + l) > or = 0.27 m3: Weight (kg) = V(t + l) x 984 + 24. The broken line was more accurate and precise than 3 published equations predicting the weight of young TBs. CONCLUSIONS: Estimation of weight using morphometric equations requires attention to temporal changes in body shape and density; hence, a broken line is needed. Including calculated leg volume in the broken line model is another contributing factor to improvement in predictive capability. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The broken line maximises its value to equine professionals through its accuracy, precision and convenience.
Turner, K. K., Nielsen, B. D., O'Connor, C. I., & Burton, J. L. (2006). Bee pollen product supplementation to horses in training seems to improve feed intake: A pilot study. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl), 90(9-10), 414–420.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of supplementation of Dynamic Trio 50/50, a bee pollen-based product, to improve physical fitness, blood leukocyte profiles, and nutritional variables in exercised horses. Ten Arabian horses underwent a standardised exercise test (SET), then were pair-matched by sex and fitness and randomly assigned to BP (receiving 118 g of Dynamic Trio 50/50 daily) or CO (receiving 73 g of a placebo) for a period of 42 days. A total collection was conducted from days 18 to 21 on six geldings to determine nutrient retention and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) digestibility. Horses were exercise conditioned and completed another SET on day 42. V160 and V200 were calculated from SET heart rates (HR). Lactate, glucose, haematocrit (HT) and haemoglobin (HB) concentrations were determined from SET blood samples. Total leukocyte count, and circulating numbers of various leukocytes and IgG, IgM and IgA concentrations were determined in rest and recovery blood samples from both SETs. Geldings on BP (n = 3) ate more feed than CO. BP had less phosphorus excretion, and tended to retain more nitrogen. BP tended to digest more NDF and ADF while having lower NDF digestibility and tending to have lower ADF digestibility. No treatment differences existed for V160 and V200, HR, lactate, HT and HB. There was a trend for lymphocyte counts to be lower in BP than CO on day 42. Dynamic Trio 50/50 supplementation may have a positive effect on performance by helping horses in training meet their potentially increased nutrient demands by increasing feed intake and thus nutrient retention.