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Corr, J.A. Nuns and monkeys: investigating the behavior of our oldest old 2004 Science of Aging Knowledge Environment : SAGE KE 2828 2004 pe38 details   doi
Milgram, N.W.; Head, E.; Muggenburg, B.; Holowachuk, D.; Murphey, H.; Estrada, J.; Ikeda-Douglas, C.J.; Zicker, S.C.; Cotman, C.W. Landmark discrimination learning in the dog: effects of age, an antioxidant fortified food, and cognitive strategy 2002 Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 2806 26 679-695 details   openurl
van Heel, M.C.V.; Kroekenstoel, A.M.; van Dierendonck, M.C.; van Weeren, P.R.; Back, W. Uneven feet in a foal may develop as a consequence of lateral grazing behaviour induced by conformational traits 2006 Equine veterinary journal 1774 38 646-651 details   openurl
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